Consultation (Investigation Type)

An activity that involves discussions and meetings with communities, stakeholders, and other interested parties for the purpose of describing proposed archaeological activities and eliciting their comments, perspectives and feedback.

326-350 (581 Records)

Letter: Demolition of Building 613, Alaska Heritage Resources Site (AHRS) Number ATU-00139 (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karlene B. Leeper.

A report by Karlene Leeper addressing the historic eligibility and the state of historic site Building 613 at Eareckson Air Station in Alaska,

Letter: Demolition of Buildings at Eareckson Air Station No Longer Meeting Mission Support (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kenneth P. Smith.

Report detailing plans to demolish Buildings 603, 605, 615, 617, 619, 625, 3062, and 3063 after being deemed hazardous.

Letter: Demolition of Several Buildings at Eareckson Air Station (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Karlene B. Leeper.

A report by Karlene Leeper addressing the historic eligibility and the states of buildings 210, 219, 220, 223, 410, 501, 525, 527, 529, 588, 623, 726 at Eareckson Air Station in Alaska,

Letter: Inventory and Evaluation of Selected Buildings Eareckson Air Station (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Judith E. Bittner.

Correspondence from the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to 611th Civil Engineer Squadron regarding the results from the report: Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation of Selected Buildings Eareckson Air Station, Alaska. The SHPO agrees that Hangar 2 (ATU-111), Heating Facility 502 (ATU-112), Hangar 3 (ATU-106), Heating Facility 522 (ATU-107), Hangar 4 (ATU-108), and Heating Facility 702 (ATU-109) are eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places under...

Life in the Ballona: Archaeological Investigations at the Admiralty Site (CA-LAn-47) and the Channel Gateway Site (CA-LAn-1596-H) (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul. Jeffrey A. Homburg. Richard Ciolek-Torello.

The Admiralty site (CA-LAn-47) lies at the edge of the historic Ballona Lagoon. Situated between the mouths of Ballona and Centinela creeks and the Pacific Ocean, the region known as the Ballona was a sheltered environment that hosted a diverse array of terrestrial and aquatic plants and animals. The seasonal rhythms of the lagoon marched in harmony with the never-ending tug-of-war between the ebb and flow of the oceanic tides and the freshwater emptied from the mouths of rivers and streams....

Living On The Border: Phase II Archaeological Survey And Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery Locus 1 Of The Rumsey/Polk Tenant/ Prehistoric Site (7NC-F-112, CRS # N-14492) (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael J. Gall. Ilene B. Grossman-Bailey. Philip A. Hayden. Adam Heinrich. RGA Inc. .

Living on the Border: Phase II Archaeological Survey and Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery Rumsey/Polk Tenant/Prehistoric site (7NC-F-112, CRS # N-14492) U.S. Route 301-Levels Road Mitigation Site St. Georges Hundred, New Castle County, Delaware DelDOT Parent Agreement 1537, Task 8 Project acreage: 3.3 acres of 123.21 acre tract Fieldwork Dates: Phase II Archaeological Survey: December 6, 2010-May 26, 2011 Phase III Archaeological Data Recovery: July 9, 2012-August 27, 2012 RGA,...

Lone Cistern Site (8BR01935) (2007)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Penders. Robin Sutherland. Frederick P. Gaske.

Documents, letters and photos associated with the Lone Cistern Site, 8BR01935.

Macrofloral, Phytolith, and Starch Analysis, and AMS Radiocarbon Dating for the Permian Basin MOA, New Mexico (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Scott Cummings. Peter Kováčik. R.A. Varney. Kathryn Puseman. Jammi L. Ladwig.

The goal of the Permian Basin MOA Task Order 10 was to analyze 500 AMS radiocarbon samples collected from feature context by the Carlsbad Field Office Cultural Resource Staff (including recovering and identifying charcoal and/or burned annual remains from each of the samples prior to selecting the best item to date), as well as analyzing 500 duplicate samples collected at the same locations for environmental and subsistence related evidence using starch, phytolith, and macrobotanical analyses....

Marshaling the Past: Indigenous Regimes of Ownership in Amazonian Ecologies (WGF - Dissertation Fieldwork Grant) (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Patricia de Freitas Lopes Rodrigues.

This resource is an application for the Dissertation Fieldwork Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. This project investigates how people marshal the past to secure a sustainable future. I ask how Amerindian people in Amazonia attribute historical and ecological values and meanings to anthropogenic landscapes, while simultaneously building an understanding of themselves within a complex set of changing relations between humans, nonhuman agents, and the environment. I propose an ethnography...

Maryland Historic Trust Inventory of Historic Properties Form for Building 3032, Alert Hangar, at Andrews Air Force Base (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J. Buysse. Lauren Bowlin. Paul A. Pochmara. Gregory L. Lococo. John R. Tabak. Donald F. Freeman.

Correspondence between the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, the District of Columbia National Guard, Andrews Air Force Base, and The Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO) regarding the proposed demolition of Building 3032, the Air National Guard Alert Hangar at Andrews Air Force Base. The Maryland Historic Trust Inventory Form completed for Building 3032 and other documentation are included.

Maryland Historic Trust Project Review Form for the Demolition of Buildings 1522, 1522A, 1524, 1526, 1527 at Joint Base Andrews (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rachel McAnallen.

The Maryland Historical Trust Project Review Form requesting comments concerning the demolition of buildings 1522, 1522A, 1524, 1526, and 1527 at Joint Base Andrews. The reviewer determined that the project will have no effect on historic properties.

Maryland Historic Trust Project Review Form for the Demolition of Buildings 1539 and 1558 at Joint Base Andrews (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rachel McAnallen.

The Maryland Historical Trust Project Review Form requesting comments concerning the demolition of buildings 1539 and 1558, a Consolidated Communications Center at Joint Base Andrews. The reviewer determined that the project will have no effect on historic properties.

Maryland Historic Trust Project Review Form for the Demolition of Buildings 3602, 3605, 3808, and 3603 at Joint Base Andrews (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Rachel McAnallen.

The Maryland Historical Trust Project Review Form requesting comments concerning the demolition of buildings 3602, 3605, 3808, and 3603 at Joint Base Andrews. The reviewer determined that the project will have no effect on historic properties.

Maryland Historical Trust Communication Regarding Multiple Projects at Joint Base Andrews (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Amanda R. Apple.

Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding the Determinations of Eligibility on eleven project proposals at Joint Base Andrews. The Maryland Historical Trust confirms that no historic properties will be affected by the proposed projects.

Maryland Historical Trust Communication Regarding Multiple Projects at Joint Base Andrews (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Amanda R. Apple.

Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding the proposed construction and demolition projects at Joint Base Andrews. The Maryland Historical Trust confirms that four of Joint Base Andrews' projects will not negatively effect historic properties: constructions of a Helicopter Operations Facility and a Child Development Center, the demolition of Building 1429, and the removal of AAFES canopy and fuel tanks. However, the Maryland Historic Trust requests separate Determinations of...

Maryland Historical Trust Communication Regarding Review of Chapel II Repairs (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Beth Cole.

Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding the proposed renovation and repair projects on Chapel II at Andrews Air Force Base. The Maryland Historical Trust notes the Chapel's close proximity to a cemetery, and provides recommendations special archaeological provisions and additional documentation be completed in conjunction with the implementation of the project.

Maryland Historical Trust Communication Regarding the Eligibility of Chapel II Following Renovations and Belle Chance at Andrews Air Force Base (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Peter E. Kurtze.

Response from the Maryland Historical Trust (MDSHPO) regarding the Determinations of Eligibility to the National Register of Historic Place (NRHP) on Chapel II and Belle Chance, historic buildings located at Andrews Air Force Base. The Maryland Historical Trust confirms that Chapel II is ineligible due to the "extensive reconstruction" efforts completed on the building following a recent fire. Belle Chance is considered potentially eligible for inclusion to the NRHP, if further documentation...

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission's Site Visit to Chapel II at Andrews Air Force Base (1985)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gail Rothrock.

Request from the Maryland-National Capital Park And Planning Commission to Andrews Air Force Base recommending an eligibility evaluation for Chapel II be submitted to the National Register of Historic Places.

MD SHA Tribal Consultation: Project Notification Form for US 301 / MD 304 Ashley Property Mitigation Site (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Richard Ervin.

Notification to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe about an upcoming Phase I archaeological survey in an area of high prehistoric and historic artifact potential.

Memo: Consultations with Federally Recognized Tribes for Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Development Plan (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Thomas Penders.

Memo regarding tribal consultation for the Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Development Plan.

Memorandum Concerning Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation for Joint Base Andrews, Prince George's Country, Maryland (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Bullough.

Undated memorandum from Joint Base Andrews requesting the Maryland Historical Trust review and comment on the findings of the submitted report, 'Historic Building Inventory and Evaluation for Joint Base Andrews, Price Georges' County, Maryland', which identified five resources as potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Memorandum of Agreement Between the U.S. Air Force and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding the Conversion of Selected Former DEW Line Stations Submitted to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Pursuant to 36 CFR 800.6(a) (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dennis G. Willeck. Judith E. Bittner. Claudia Nissley.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the United States Air Force and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office and submitted to the Advisory Council of Historic Preservation. The MOA was created to protect historic properties during the conversion of former Distant Early Warning System Line Stations, which consists of Point Lay, Point Barrow, Oliktotk and Barter Island Long Range Radar Sites.

Memorandum of Agreement Between the US Air Force and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office Regarding the Environmental Restoration of Seven Distant Early Warning Sites, Alaska (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Steven J. Moes. Judith E. Bittner.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the United States Air Force and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office regarding the environmental restoration of seven distant early warning sites in Alaska that are also eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. These sites include Point Lay, Wainwright, Point Barrow, Point Lonely, Oliktok, Bullen Point, and Barter Island. The United States Air Force proposes to remove original material from the seven historic properties in the...

Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Demolition of Nineteen Installations in the White Alice Communications System, Alaska (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text J.A. Smith. Judith E. Bittner. Robert D. Bush.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the Demolition of nineteen installations in the White Alice Communication System. These installations include: Anvil Mountain, Bear Creek, Bethel, Big Mountain, Canyon Creek, Cape Romanzof, Cape Lisburne, Cape Sari chef, Driftwood Bay, Fort Yukon, Granite Mountain, Kalakaket Creek, Kotzebue, Murphy Dome, Nikolski, North River, Port Heiden, Port Moller, and Tin City. The Alaska Air Command had determined that demolition will have an effect on properties which...

Memorandum of Agreement: North Warning System Unattended Radar (NWSUAR) Bullen Point Alaska Submitted to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Pursuant to 36 CFR Part 800.6(a) (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text D.O. Williams. Judith E. Bittner. Robert D. Bush. John W. Pierce.

A Memorandum of Agreement developed for the installment of a North Warning System Unattended Radar at the Distant Early Warning Installation at Bullen Point by the United States Air Force Electronic Systems Center. Involved parties include the Air Force, Alaska State Historic Preservation Office, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers.