Mineral (Material Keyword)

Natural inorganic substance possessing a definite chemical composition in a crystalline form.

3,401-3,425 (4,239 Records)

The Pueblo Grande Project: Feature Descriptions, Chronology, and Site Structure (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...

The Pueblo Grande Project: Introduction, Research Design, and Testing Results (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Soil Systems, Inc. (SSI) of Phoenix, Arizona conducted a 16-month data recovery project at the large Hohokam village of Pueblo Grande. The site is located on the north bank of the Salt River in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Approximately 20 to 25 percent of the site was excavated as the result of the expansion of the urban freeway system in Phoenix. The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) sponsored the project. Pueblo Grande was one of the primary villages in the Phoenix Basin and is...

Pueblo on the Plains: The 2019 Investigations at the Merchant Site of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Poster presentation describing the 2019 investigations at the Merchant Site (LA 43414)

Pueblo on the Plains: The Merchant Site (LA 43414) of Southeastern New Mexico (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller.

Public education and outreach brochure describing the survey and excavation projects at the Merchant site and Mescalero Plain of southeastern New Mexico

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby.

This report presents the results of the second season of investigations at the Merchant village site (LA 43414) in southeastern New Mexico. The excavations and analyses were sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. Excavations focused on sections of room blocks in two areas of the main village, the agricultural fields, and midden deposits.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Myles Miller. Timothy B. Graves. Charles Frederick. Mark Willis. John D Speth. J. Phillip Dering. Susan J. Smith. Crystal Dozier. John G. Jones. Jeremy Loven. Genevieve Woodhead. Jeffery Ferguson. Mary Ownby.

This report presents the results of the second season of investigations at the Merchant village site (LA 43414) in southeastern New Mexico. The excavations and analyses were sponsored by the Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) of the Bureau of Land Management and funded under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement. Excavations focused on sections of room blocks in two areas of the main village, the agricultural fields, and midden deposits.

Qualitative Temper Characterization of Potsherds from the West Branch Site, Tucson, Arizona (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James M. Heidke.

Five hundred and twenty-two sherds recovered from excavations at the West Branch site were submitted for temper characterization. Temper source characterization was based on Lombard's (1987c) reconnaissance mapping of temper resource compositional zones, or petrofacies, in the Tucson Basin and Avra Valley; and incorporates refinements to the Tucson Basin model made by Lombard (1987a, 1987b, 1987d, 1990) and Heidke (1994); and refinement of the Avra Valley model made by KamiUi (1994). Samples...

Quarai Archaeological Mineral Specimens (2003)
DATASET William Graves.

This dataset contains information on mineral artifacts from the 1992-93 ASU excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico

Quarai Groundstone Artifacts (2003)
DATASET William Graves.

This dataset contains information on groundstone artifacts at Quarai Pueblo that were recovered during ASU's 1992-1993 excavations.

Quarai lithics database (2003)
DATASET Katherine Spielmann.

This file contains information on the chipped stone recovered from the 1992 and 1993 ASU field seasons at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico.

Quarai Miscellaneous Artifacts (2003)
DATASET William Graves.

This dataset contains information on a variety of miscellaneous objects, many of them historic (e.g., metal) found during the ASU 1992-93 excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico. **Note that most of the ornaments are in the Quarai Ornaments database.**

Quarai Ornaments (2003)
DATASET William Graves.

This dataset provides information on the ornaments, primarily shell and turquoise, that were recovered during ASU's excavations at Quarai Pueblo in 1992 and 1993.

Quarai Potlids (2003)
DATASET William Graves.

This dataset contains information on the potlids (stone disks, usually limestone) from the ASU 1992-93 excavations at Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico.

Quarai Pueblo Archaeological Project
PROJECT Katherine Spielmann. Arizona State University (ASU).

Arizona State University project directed by Katherine Spielmann in the summers of 1992 and 1993.

Quarai Pueblo Ceramic data with Period information (2014)
DATASET Katherine Spielmann.

This dataset contains counts and weights for plain, white, and glaze ware ceramics from Quarai Pueblo, New Mexico. The last column also provides period designations. Early is the early 1300s; Middle is probably the late 1400s-mid-1500s but we have no direct radiocarbon dates, and late is largely colonial. Quarai was abandoned between the early and late periods--there is little middle period occupation that we found.

Quarries Along Sidewinder Trail: Cultural Resources Investigation & Evaluation of the P & V Enterprises Phase IV Land Exchange, Parcels PV10E-56 &-62, Barstow, San Bernardino County, CA 70PP (1996)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael K. Lerch. Robert M. Yohe.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Quarries Shapefile (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This shapefile is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. All files associated with this record must be downloaded to ensure that the shapefile...

Quarry Locations Final Map (2010)
GEOSPATIAL Karen Holberg.

The aim of the LEAP projects was to publish multi-layered e-publications and develop and link them to associated digital archives. The original LEAP project was funded by the AHRC while the LEAP II, A Trans-Atlantic LEAP, was supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This final map project is part of a 2011 LEAP II project "Placing immateriality: situating the material of highland Chiriquí" by Karen Holberg. The files contained in this record include an .mxd map project and an image of the...

Quartz Intaglio Arizona Site Steward File (1988)
DOCUMENT Full-Text D. Simonis.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Quartz Intaglio site, comprised of a prehistoric quartz geoglyph, located on Bureau of Land Management land. The file consists of a site data form, Arizona Bureau of Land Management cultural resource site record form, three maps of the site location, and a map of a proposed preservation fenceline. The earliest dated document is from 1988.

Radial Posthole Tests at La Costa Far South (Including Santa Fe Knolls) (1976)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Bull.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Radiocarbon Date from a Michigan Stachell-Type Site (1972)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Donald B. Simons.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.

Radiocarbon results from (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jay Stephens.

Reports of submitted radiocarbon samples to Beta Analytic in 2021 and 2022.

Rakita - Tables C through G (2011)
DATASET Gordon Rakita.

Data tables C through G to accompany Rakita's paper.

Rakita_The Mortuary Practices of the Casas Grandes Region: A Preliminary Database. (2011)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Gordon Rakita.

I present a preliminary regional database of mortuary practices for the Casas Grandes region of Chihuahua, Mexico. The reported prehistoric mortuary remains from the region are overwhelmingly drawn from the Paquime and Convento sites reported by Charles C. DiPeso and colleagues. Often overlooked, however, are several smaller samples that are reported with less detail. Given the complex nature of mortuary ritual from the region (especially in the late ceramic periods), the structure of the...

Rancho L'Abri Resort Archaeology and Biology Survey Reports P79-26, EAD Log #79-19-23, Dulzura, California. (1980)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Advance Planning & Research Associates.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at comments@tdar.org.