Textile (Material Keyword)

Artifacts (e.g., clothing, bags, woven cloth, cordage, etc.) comprised of fibers and/or cord that are made from plant or animal material (e.g., animal hair, cotton, flax, hemp, other vegetal fibers, wool).

351-375 (1,480 Records)

Perishable: Feather Object AMNH 29.0/9563 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Feather Object, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9563. Morris FS 3047. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Wand like object of stitched feathers. Images: AMNH 29.0/9563A: wand like object of stitched feathers. AMNH 29.0/9563B: other face of feather object. AMNH 29.0/9563C: another view of stitching elements of probable quill strips used to join feather quills. Note square knot. AMNH 29.0/9563D: side view showing stitching element emerging from side of feather 1. AMNH 29.0/9563E: side view showing ...

Perishable: Feather Ornament AMNH 29.0/7393 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Feather Ornament, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7393. Morris FS 985. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Wrapped feather ornament with 3-strand braid, square knot. Possible miniature bow. Image: AMNH 29.0/7393A: feather ornament with braid, possible miniature bow. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 54, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:309) indicates that “The first 1 ½ feet of fill in Room 54 consisted of fallen masonry and the uncharred wood of a ceiling which had been supported by two...

Perishable: Feather Ornament AMNH 29.0/8639 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Feather Ornament, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8639. Morris FS 2130. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Feather ornament of plied 2(2Z-S)Z cordage with feather attachments wrapped around herb bundle. Image: AMNH 29.0/8639A: cordage with feather attachments wrapped around herb bundle. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 78, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 78 at the time of excavation is as follows. “About three-fourths of a cord of cedar splints such as were used in...

Perishable: Feather Ornament AMNH 29.0/9712 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Feather Ornament, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9712. Morris FS 3197. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of wrapped and plied cordage and feather quills, 2Z-S, 2(2Z-S)Z. Image: AMNH 29.0/9712A: bundle of cords for feather attachment. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 138, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 138 at the time of excavation is as follows: “On the floor of Room 138 was a film of refuse containing Chaco potsherds…Thence upward, mixed with dust, wall...

Perishable: Hair Ornament, AMNH 29.0/7074 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Hair Ornament, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7074. Morris FS : 674. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE: NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Wrapped animal hair ornament or altar tassel. Image: AMNH 29.0/7074A: ornament or altar tassel. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 45, Grave 12, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:302) indicates that “Moist, well-solidified refuse covered the floor of Room 45 to a depth of 8 feet. In it were many animal bones and sherds and a...

Perishable: Hide Bag AZRU8-2734 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Hide Bag, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2734. Morris FS 3703. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Oval piece of hide, edges trimmed and perforated with holes. Still stitched in one area with 2S-Z yucca? cordage. Morris: "Bag of soft-tanned hide, edges perforated for drawstring." Measurements: L 17.0, W 16.0 CM approx. Images: AZRU8-2734 A view of hide bag or cover, partially opened out. AZRU8-2734 B: remains of distorted hide bag or cover. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2,...

Perishable: Impressed Adobe AMNH 29.0/7837 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Impressed Adobe, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7837. Morris FS 1431. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Fragment of adobe with textile impression. Images: AMNH 29.0/7837A: adobe with textile impression. AMNH 29.0/7837B: adobe with textile impression in raking light. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 48, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 48 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor was covered with refuse.. The greater proportion of this deposit was of...

Perishable: Knotted Cordage AMNH 29.0/5279 and 5278 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Knotted Cordage, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #5279 and 5278. Morris FS 28 and 27. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Cordage, 2Z-S and 2(2S-Z)S, knotted for feathers. Image: AMNH 29.0/5279_5278A: cords for feather attachment, 5278 has remnants of feathers. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 122-2, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:357) indicates that “Room 122-2 is situated above Room 112. Refuse, more than half of its bulk composed of vegetable and other perishable substances, had been...

Perishable: Knotted Yucca Leaves AZRU8-1041 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Knotted Yucca Leaves, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1041. Morris [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of yucca leaves tied in square knots. Measurements: Not measured. Image: AZRU8-1041: Narrowleaf yucca tied in square knots. Recovered from Earl Morris excavation of Room 136-2(?), Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into Room 136-2 and evenly distributed, its...

Perishable: Looped Legging AZRU8-2955 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Looped Legging, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2955. Morris [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Fragment of a looped shoe-sock or legging of turkey-feather cordage. Measurements: L 10.0, W 6.0 CM. Image: AZRU8-2955 A: fragment of looped legging of turkey-feather cordage. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2?, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into Room...

Perishable: Looped Object AMNH 29.0/7591 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Looped Object, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7591. Morris FS 1184. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Open weave, simple loop object of yucca fiber, perhaps a bag. Image: AMNH 29.0/7591A: looped object, open weave. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 48, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 48 at the time of excavation is as follows. “The floor was covered with refuse.. The greater proportion of this deposit was of vegetable substance; cornstalks, husks, tassels, and...

Perishable: Moccasin AMNH 29.0/8951 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Moccasin, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8951. Morris FS 2445. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Tanned hide moccasin sole, patched. Image: AMNH 29.0/8951A: moccasin sole, patched. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 95, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 95 at the time of excavation is as follows. “From 7 to 10 feet from the floor of Room 95 in the masonry portion of the fill were various stone artifacts…. must have come from the third floor. Refuse covered the entire...

Perishable: Oval Basket AMNH 29.0/8482 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Oval Basket, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8482. Morris FS 1975. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Oval basket frame with yucca framework containing cornhusks; knotted, twisted wood and yucca. Images: AMNH 29.0/8482A: oval basket frame with yucca framework containing cornhusks. AMNH 29.0/8482B: underside of oval basket frame with yucca framework containing cornhusks. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 72, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 72 at the time of...

Perishable: Plaited Mat AMNH 29.0-9662 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Plaited Mat, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog # 9662. Morris FS 3147. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE, NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Plaited 2/2 twill mat with intricate selvage. Image: AMNH 29.0-9662A: 2-2 matting with intricate selvage. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 141, Grave 29, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 141 at the time of excavation is as follows. “Neither floor nor ceiling of Room 141 showed the slightest discoloration such...

Perishable: Plant Braid AZRU8-2835 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Plant Braid, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2835. Morris FS 3679. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Narrow 3-strand braid of an unidentified plant material, now in two pieces, tied in an overhand knot at one end. Measurements: L 27.0, W 0.5 CM. Image: AZRU8-2835 A: narrow 3-strand braid of unidentified plant material. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 136-2, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa...

Perishable: Rush Bag AZRU8-2791 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Rush Bag, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2791. Morris FS 5297. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Mouth opening of a plaited rush bag. Elements folded over a 2S-Z? yucca cord. Measurements: L 5.5, W 14.0 CM. Images: AZRU8-2791A: mouth opening of a plaited rush bag. AZRU8-2791 B: reverse face showing ends of folded elements. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room189 Lower Level, Aztec West Ruin. Morris noted that Room 189 “contained the largest quantity of perishable objects from the...

Perishable: Rush Braid AZRU8-1361 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Rush Braid. Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1361. Morris FS 3681. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Thick 6-strand braid of rush elements. Perhaps part of a bail (handle). Measurements: L 9.0, W 1.1 CM. Image: AZRU8-1361: Six-strand braid. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room136-2?, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 136-2 at the time of excavation is as follows: “A great quantity of Mesa Verde refuse had been cast into Room 136-2 and evenly distributed, its...

Perishable: Shoe Sock AMNH 29.0/7648 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Shoe Sock, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7648. Morris FS 1241. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Turkey feather shoe sock, simple looping, 2(2Z-S)S, yucca fiber. Images: AMNH 29.0/7648A: large fragment of turkey-feather shoe-sock, upper face. AMNH 29.0/7648B: large fragment of turkey-feather shoe sock, lower face. AMNH 29.0/7648C: close-up of yucca-fiber pad in heel. AMNH 29.0/7648D: close-up of looping element showing 2(2z-S)S structure 2. AMNH 29.0/7648E: close-up of looping element showing...

Perishable: Shoe Sock AMNH 29.0/9720 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Shoe Sock, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9720. Morris FS 3204. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Probable shoe-sock or turkey feather leggings, simple looping, yucca and turkey feathers. Image: AMNH 29.0/9720A: probable looped turkey-feather leggings. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 138, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 138 at the time of excavation is as follows: “On the floor of Room 138 was a film of refuse containing Chaco potsherds…Thence upward, mixed with...

Perishable: Shoe Sock, AMNH 29.1/3224_2 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Shoe Sock, Accession AMNH29.1, Catalog #3224. Morris FS 3573. CULTURALLY SENSITIVE, NAGPRA ARTIFACT; ACCESS RESTRICTED. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Probable shoe-sock of turkey feather and yucca fiber, simple looping. Images: AMNH 29.1/3224_2A: fragment of looped turkey-feather object, probably a shoe-sock. AMNH 29.1/3224_2B: fragment of looped turkey-feather object, other face. AMNH 29.1/3224_2C:, close-up of looped structure 1. AMNH 29.1/3224_2D: close-up of looped structure 2....

Perishable: Shoe-Sock AMNH 29.0/9457 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Shoe-Sock, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9457. Morris FS 2941. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Looped and plied yucca fiber and turkey-feather shoe-sock, simple looping, 2S-Z. Images: AMNH 29.0/9457A: looped turkey-feather shoe-sock, heel at lower right. AMNH 29.0/9457B: looped turkey-feather shoe-sock, other face. AMNH 29.0/9457C: close-up of looping structure 1. AMNH 29.0/9457D: close-up of looping structure 2. AMNH 29.0/9457E: close-up of looping structure 3. AMNH 29.0-9457F: close-up of...

Perishable: Shoe-Sock AMNH 29.0/9458 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Shoe-Sock, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #9458. Morris FS 2942. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Looped and plied yucca fiber and turkey-feather shoe-sock, simple looping, 2S-Z. Image: AMNH 29.0/9458A: fragment of looped turkey-feather shoe-sock. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room 139, Aztec West Ruin. Earl Morris’ description of Room 139 at the time of excavation is as follows: “When the writer broke through the veneer of masonry which sealed the north side of the door leading into...

Perishable: Shoe-sock AZRU8-1793 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Shoe-sock, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #1793. Morris FS 5535. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Small. nearly complete turkey-feather shoe-sock. Ankle height. Upper edge intact. Some feather pile remaining. Measurements: L 23.5, W 5.5, H 10.3 CM. Images:AZRU8-1793 A: feather shoe-sock on mount. AZRU8-1793 B: feather shoe-sock, showing back of mount.AZRU8-1793 C: heel detail. AZRU8-1793 D: toe detail. AZRU8-1793 E: upper edge. AZRU8-1793 F: upper edge detail. Recovered from Earl Morris'...

Perishable: Stalk with Fiber AZRU8-2752 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Stalk with Fiber, Accession AZRU-00008, Catalog #2752. Morris FS 4089. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Mass of white fiber adhering to stalk. Looks like cotton fiber under the microscope (100X). No cotton seeds in sample. Measurements: Not measured. Images: AZRU8-2752 A: cotton fiber adhering to stalk. AZRU8-2752 B: cotton fiber under microscope 1. AZRU8-2752 C: cotton fiber under microscope 2. AZRU8-2752 D: cotton fiber under microscope 3. AZRU8-2752 E: cotton fiber under microscope 4. Not...

Perishable: Tumpband AMNH 29.0/7318 (2006)
IMAGE Laurie Webster.

Tumpband, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #7318. Morris FS 910. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Fragment of twined, yucca fiber tumpband, 2-strand twining (S). Images: AMNH 29.0/7318 A: tumpband fragment, one face. AMNH 29.0/7318B: tumpband fragment, other face . Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of , Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:306) indicates that “The initial 3 to 5 feet of fill in Room 49 was of refuse, mostly ashes, deepest against the east wall near the door. In it were found a red...