modern artifacts (Material Keyword)
1-1 (1 Record)
Results of Cultural Resource Monitoring During Installation of FAA Runway Status Lights (Shelter 3 and Associated Duct Banks and Conduits) with the Site of Pueblo Salado (AZ T:12:47[ASM]) at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona (2011)
The project involved excavations of trenches at the Sky Harbor International Airport. Areas of ground disturbance for this project included Field Lighting System (FLS) shelters and associated duct banks and conduits. Shelter 3 is located in the western portion of the airport and is partially located within the archaeological site of Pueblo Salado, AZ T:12:47(ASM), a Hohokam village that contains numerous features including adobe structures, pithouses, pit features, cremation and inhumation...