Kirk Point (Material Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Formal Invitations from Joint Base Andrews to Several Native American Tribal Leaders to Enter into a Government-to-Government Relationship (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nichole K.A. Scott.

Formal notifications from the Joint Base Andrews 316 Mission Support Group (316 MSG) to the several Native American Tribal Leaders inviting them to enter into a Government-to-Government relationship to facilitate collaboration and consultation opportunities regarding the management of archaeological and cultural resources found on lands now owned by Joint Base Andrews. Includes Joint Base Andrews Tribal Consultation Request Forms and the 316 Mission Support Group Cultural Resources Fact Sheet.

Phase II Archaeological Test Excavations at Sites 40CF305, 40CF306, 40FR237, and 40FR506 Arnold Air Force Base Coffee and Franklin Counties, Tennessee - Revised Draft Report (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marc E. Wampler. Duane Simpson. Kim Smith. John Hunter. Steve Mocas.

Phase II archaeological site testing was performed from January to March 2010 at prehistoric sites 40CF305, 40CF306, 40FR506, and 40FR237. Sites 40CF305, 40CF306, and 40FR506 were recommended ineligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Site 40FR237 was recommended as eligible for listing on the NRHP.