Volcanic tuff (Material Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

VAFB-2000-03: Eligibility Testing at CA-SBA-935, -2321, and -2345 for El Nino Related Road Repairs, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California (2000)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Harro. Clayton G. Lebow. Rebecca L. McKim. Christopher Ryan. Carole A. Denardo.

This document is a report detailing archaeological investigations at CA-SBA-935, -2321, and -2345 that were prompted by proposed repairs to a road that cuts through these sites. The intent of this study is to define site boundaries, evaluate significance, and assess potential effects from the road repairs. Testing at CA-SBA-935 included 197 shovel test pits and 14 test excavation units, as well as 9 surface-collected artifacts. Four spatially distinct artifact concentrations were identified....