Building Materials (Material Keyword)

Materials used for construction (e.g., brick, wood, adobe)

1,076-1,100 (5,511 Records)

Architecture Data from greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Architectural measurement and feature data associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities book

Architecture, Settlement Structure, and Labor Relations At Three Antebellum Plantations On Sapelo Island, Georgia (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Nicholas Honerkamp. Morgan Ray Crook, Jr..

Research at three antebellum plantations on Sapelo Island, Georgia indicates a wide variety in Geechee settlement forms, construction techniques and materials, and architectural artifacts associated with structures. Based on documentary and archaeological data, two contrasting forms of settlement patterning are described that correlate with distinct labor relations at individual plantations. Significant slave cabin construction changes over a 60 year period are presented that resulted from...

Archival Auger Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark

A program of augering residential mounds preceeded the selection of mounds for residential test excavations. These pdf files have the data forms and associated notes related to the auger testing, done in 1987.

Archival Excavation Records 1987 (1987)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark

Residential mound excavations during 1987 were recorded with forms, and artifacts from the excavations were recorded on forms.

Archival Survey Feature or Collection Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark

These are pdf files of the original survey feature/collection forms. Each survey feature was recorded on a form and assigned a unique number, and, if the feature was collected, that number pertains to the surface collection. Some features have more than one collection, in which case additional feature/collection numbers were assigned. Rarely numbers were subsequently de-assigned, and might then be assigned to a different feature/collection later, but occasionally numbers were not used...

Archival Survey Field Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Barbara Stark

These pdf files show forms for fields where survey was conducted and the locations of features/collections within the field, along with vegetation and other observations. These files are only available with special permission because those from seasons when global positioning equipment was used have UTM coordinates. Those from survey using aerial mosaics sometimes show roads or towns identifiable on maps.

Archival Survey Figurine Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Stark.

These laboratory forms record figurine classifications.

Archival Survey Misc Artifact Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Stark.

These pdfs contain the original laboratory coding forms for a variety of miscellaneous artifacts, such as spindle whorls, incensarios, colanders,clay balls, and other unusual ceramic forms. Artifacts related to ceramic production are included.

Archival Survey Obsidian Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Stark.

Obsidian coding forms from the PALM regional survey and associated notes. The obsidian coding was directed by Lynette Heller.

Archival Survey Pottery Forms (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Barbara Stark.

These archival forms recorded pottery types and attributes for survey collections. Some show updates or corrections when pottery was reexamined, but a few updates were made directly on electronic database or excel files.

Areas de excavacion en Cerro Jazmin (2017)
IMAGE Antonio Martínez Tuñón. Veronica Perez Rodriguez.

imagenes de areas de excavacion PACJ 2013-15

Arizona Archaeological Society Stabilization Project at Homol'ovi I & II Part 1: Introduction & Homol'ovi II (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text E. Charles Adams. Jim Britton.

The primary interpretive site open to the public at Homol'ovi State Park (the Park) is Homol'ovi II. To enhance the visitors experience and understanding of what they are seeing, one large Kiva (structure 708) and five rooms and an outside activity area (structures 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, and 221) were excavated and previously stabilized. The Park's interpretive trail and signage lead the visitor to these areas and provide information. These areas have been impacted by visitation and weathering...

Arizona Archaeological Society Stabilization Project at Homol'ovi I & II Part 2: Homol'ovi I (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jim Britton. E. Charles Adams.

Stabilization work on Room I, 27 wall tops, and several erosional channels over Room Block 300 on the south face of the North Pueblo was begun in May 2011 and completed in September 2011 by members of the Arizona Archaeological Society under the direction of Jim Britton.

The Arizona Historical Pageant (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: alycia hayes

This document is an article regarding the history and progression of the historical pageants held between 1926-1930 at Compound B at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument.

Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135) Phase I Artifact Catalog (2017)
DATASET Dovetail Cultural Resource Group.

Phase I artifact master catalog

Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135) Phase II Artifact Catalog (2017)
DATASET Dovetail Cultural Resource Group.

Phase II Master Artifact Catalog

Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135) Phase III Artifact Catalog (2017)
DATASET Dovetail Cultural Resource Group.

Phase III Master Artifact Catalog

Armstrong-Rogers Site (7NC-F-135), U.S. Route 301 Corridor, New Castle County, Delaware
PROJECT Kerri S. Barile. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

On behalf of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), Dovetail Cultural Resource Group (Dovetail) conducted a Phase III archaeological data recovery at the Armstrong-Rogers site (7NC-F-135), a late-eighteenth- through mid-nineteenth-century farmstead work yard in New Castle County, Delaware. The work was completed in association with DelDOT’s U.S. Route 301 Project and the site is located within the project’s Area of Potential Effects (APE) in the U.S. Route 301 mainline corridor just...

Arr of the Carter Timber Sale (1975)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gerald Hoertling.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Arr of the Shirtail Timber Sale (1975)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Gerald Hoertling.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Arrival of the North Star: Interesting From New Granda: Revolution in Carthagena: The Chiriqui Gold Discoveries: Later from California and Oregon (1859)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Shelby Manney

This Newspaper clipping from August 12, 1859 discribes the Chiriqui gold discoveries in Panama and the arrival of the steamship the "North Star."

Arrival of the Star of the West: News from California and Central America: $1,863,601 in Treasure (1859)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Shelby Manney

This newspaper article dates August 12, 1859 and describes "The Grave-Digging Excitement at Chiriqui, the Collins Steamers, and the Business of the Panama Railroad."

Artifact & Excavation Photographs,Site 18HA242, Aberdeen Proving Ground (2003)
IMAGE Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory.

Photographs taken of artifacts collected from Site 18HA242 and and test units dug as part of a Phase I investigation of Site 18HA242, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. In addition, there are photographs of a chain and stove door from the site that was conserved at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory. Photographs of the conservation process can be found in PDF format as part of the '1996.041 APG Supplemental Cultural Resource Management Plan, Spesutie Island, Aberdeen Proving...

Artifact Analysis for Plowzone Collections, 18ST233, Webster Field Annex (2014)
DATASET Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum.

This record contains an analysis for artifacts collected in the plowzone for site 18ST233, a site excavated during phase II archaeological investigations at Old Chapel Field, Maryland.

Artifact Analysis for Plowzone Collections, 18ST329, Webster Field Annex (2014)
DATASET Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum.

This record contains an analysis for artifacts collected in the plowzone for site 18ST329, a site excavated during phase II archaeological investigations at Old Chapel Field, Maryland.