Human Remains (Material Keyword)

The remains of any part of a human

2,251-2,275 (3,246 Records)

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 3. Theory: An Ethical Epistemology of Publicly Engaged Biocultural Research (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael L. Blakey.

The approach taken to the organization and interpretation of data from the African Burial Ground (ABG) involves four main elements. The ways in which these elements have guided the research are discussed this chapter. These theoretic principles can be generalized and extended to a broader range of research projects than our study of the New York African Burial Ground (NYABG).

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 4. Laboratory Organization, Methods, and Processes (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael L. Blakey. M. E. Mack. K. Shujaa. R. Watkins.

This chapter describes the organization of skeletal recordation in the laboratory. This work requires specialized personnel, task teams, and processes that convert fragile fragments of soil-encased bone into skeletal elements that reveal accurate anatomical structure and observable effects of physiological processes that can be assessed for genetic, demographic, and pathologic information. That information is then coded and entered into a computer database where all information on each...

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 5. Origins of the New York African Burial Ground Population: Biological Evidence of Geographical and Macroethnic Affiliations Using Craniometrics, Dental Morphology, and Preliminary Genetic Analysis (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text F. L. Jackson. A. Mayes. M. E. Mack. A. Froment. S. O. Y. Keita. R. A. Kittles. M. George. K. Shujaa. Michael L. Blakey. Lesley M. Rankin-Hill.

Origins are central to understanding the past and present identity of a people. Origin studies provide, under optimal conditions, a context for all other assessments, such as archaeological, biomedical, and nutritional evaluations. Characterizing the phenotypic status and determining the origins of the eighteenth century New York African population and those individuals interred in the New York African Burial Ground (NYABG) were among the project’s major goals. Towards that end, our...

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 6. Isotopic and Elemental Chemistry of Teeth: Implications for Places of birth, Forced Migration Patterns, Nutritional Status, and Pollution (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text A. Goodman. J. Jones. J. Reid. M. Mack. Michael L. Blakey. D. Amarasiriwardena. P. Burton. D. Coleman.

Concerns about individual and group origins are central to the study of the New York African Burial Ground (NYABG). A key goal of the project is to provide scientific insights into the geographic origins of individuals. Enslaved Africans came from different regions of Africa. Can we determine more precisely the geographic area where individuals and groups come from and what were their ethnic affinities? At what ages were enslaved individuals forced to involuntarily leave their homelands? Which...

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 7. Demographic Overview of the African Burial Ground and Colonial Africans of New York (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lesley M. Rankin-Hill. Michael L. Blakey. Jean Howson. E. Brown. Selwyn H. H. Carrington. K. Shujaa.

The origins of Africans in colonial New York, and some conditions encountered upon their arrival, have been explored in the two preceding chapters. The objective of the current chapter is to reconstruct who these diverse Africans became as a single population/community (that used a common cemetery) once in New York City. This chapter serves as both an historical demographic (based on documents) and paleodemographic (based on skeletal assessments) overview of the structure of the African...

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 8. Childhood Health and Dental Development (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michael L. Blakey. M. Mack. A. R. Barrett. S. S. Mahoney. A. H. Goodman.

Dental enamel hypoplasias are defects in crown development that appear as a transverse groove or series of pits that are partially or entirely around the circumference of the tooth. Hypoplastic defects, while they manifest in the teeth, result from metabolic disturbances of malnutrition and disease elsewhere in the body. Enamel hypoplasias thus provide evidence of general stress that may have been brought about by many different kinds of stressors. Like other “general stress indicators” such as...

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Chapter 9. Odontological Indicators of Disease, Diet and Nutrition Inadequacy (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text M. E. Mack. A. H. Goodman. Michael L. Blakey. A. Mayes.

The dentition is usually the best-preserved element of the skeleton. Hydroxyapatite, an inorganic calcium matrix, comprises approximately 97 percent of the chemical composition of enamel (Carlson, 1990). This crystalline structure makes dental enamel hard and dense and useful to resist the abrasive nature of mastication. Also, as a result of their hardness, teeth are often all that remains of a long-deceased individual. The abundant presence of dentition in archaeological contexts has led to the...

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 1. Front Matter and Table of Contents (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgments for volume one of the skeletal biology report.

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Appendix A Research Design Subcommittee Statement and ABG Physical Anthropological Peer Review Panel Report - Section 1 (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charlene Dwinn-Vaughn. Jerome S. Handler. Joan Maynard. Robert MacDonald. Noel Pointer.

First section with the Research Design Subcommittee Statement.

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Appendix A Research Design Subcommittee Statement and ABG Physical Anthropological Peer Review Panel Report - Section 1 (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Charlene Dwinn-Vaughn. Jerome S. Handler. Joan Maynard. Robert MacDonald. Noel Pointer.

Appended report/statement per the title.

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Appendix A Research Design Subcommittee Statement and ABG Physical Anthropological Peer Review Panel Report - Section 2 (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Philip Walker. Ted A. Rathbun. Clark Larsen. Carrel Cowan-Ricks. Elanor Mason Ramsey.

This is section two, the Anthropological Peer Review Panel Report

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Appendix B New York African Burial Ground Project Skeletal Analysis Forms (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Scans of the excavation forms.

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Appendix C Preservation Status Codes for New York African Burial Ground Burials (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Explanation and table of preservation codes.

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Front Matter and Table of Contents (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Title page and table of contents.

New York African Burial Ground Skeletal Biology Final Report, Volume 2. Section IV: Burial Descriptions (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

Descriptions and images from the skeletal biology report.

New-Granada: The Chiriqui Diggings Completed (1859)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Shelby Manney

This newspaper clipping from 1859 briefly describes what was found in Chiriqui and the estimated dollar amount.

Newburgh Locks and Dam N.D.
PROJECT US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District. US Army Corps of Engineers Mandatory Center of Expertise for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections, St. Louis District.

The Veterans Curation Program utilizes the standard archival practice of unique naming of collections. The purpose of this practice is to avoid redundant and confusing collection names commonly found with archaeological investigations. Therefore, this collection is referred to as “Newburgh Locks and Dam N.D.” This name is consistent throughout the finding aid, the file folder, and the box labels. The extent of this collection is a quarter of a linear inch. The Glenn A. Black Laboratory of...

Newspaper Articles (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Zion Banks. Jon Banks.

Newspaper articles related to Elsinore project. This is information for the general public and contains pictures and very basic comments on what was being learned at the time of the article.

Newspaper: Archaeologists Dig New Bellows Site (1983)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Harry Whitten.

Newspaper articles regarding the discovery of a new site at Bellows AFS.

Newspaper: Bellows Project Damaged Site, Group Says (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Christopher Frady

Newspaper articles regarding damage to burial site at Bellows AFS.

Ngre Kataa, 2008 Field Notes (2008)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ann Stahl

Field notes from the 2008 Banda Research Project field season at Ngre Kataa, Banda area, Bono Region (formerly Brong-Ahafo Region), Ghana, consisting of test excavations focused on a series of mounds (mounds 3, 6, 7, 8 and 14).Typed transcriptions of field notes are accompanied by traced plan and profile maps. Handwritten notes on scans of Ann Stahl's printed field notes and original field maps have been transcribed as comments to facilitate their use.

Ngre Kataa, 2009 Field Notes (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Ann Stahl

Field notes from the 2009 Banda Research Project field season at Ngre Kataa, Banda area, Bono Region (formerly Brong-Ahafo Region), Ghana, consisting of excavations focused on two mounds: 6, a metallurgical workshop; and 7, a house mound.Typed transcriptions of field notes are accompanied by traced plan and profile maps. Handwritten notes on scans of Ann Stahl's printed field notes and original field maps have been transcribed as comments to facilitate their use.

Nonriverine Hohokam Adaptation, Preliminary Results from the Tucson Aqueduct Project (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Donald E. Weaver. Richard Ciolek-Torello.

The Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) has been conducting archaeo­logical investigations in the Picacho Mountains area of south central Arizona since late 1983. Under contract to the Bureau of Reclamation, MNA archaeologists have surveyed and partially or completely surface collected, tested and excavated more than 30 Hohokam sites scattered along a 1 mi wide and 42 mile long aqueduct right-of-way (Figure 1).It is important to note that the sample of sites under investiga­tion suffers from all of...

North Atlantic Biocultural Organization (NABO)
PROJECT CUNY Northern Science and Education Center. Thomas McGovern.

This project file contains NABO publications. NABO was founded over 20 years ago to attempt to cross-cut national and disciplinary boundaries and to help North Atlantic scholars make the most of the immense research potential of our damp and lovely research area. NABO has worked to aid in improving basic data comparability, in assisting practical fieldwork and interdisciplinary ventures, in promoting student training, and in better communicating our findings to other scholars, funding...

North Columbia Quarry Tract Survey
PROJECT Uploaded by: Jonathan Leader

All archaeological gray literature held within the South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthroplogy relating to the North Quarry Tract in Richland County, South Carolina.