Trade and exchange (Other Keyword)

301-325 (341 Records)

The Tabular Scraper Trade: Complexities of a Prehistoric Pastoral Trade System (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steven Rosen.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Originally modelled as a down-the-line exchange system from the desert to the settled zone, analyses of previously unpublished materials synthesized with newer materials indicate that the flint tabular scraper production and distribution system was a complex mixture of local desert consumption and long distance trade of objects that changed in function, role,...

A Tale of Two Peripheries: Recent Excavations at Fracción Mujular, Chiapas, Mexico (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mikael Fauvelle.

Fracción Mujular is a modest residential site located on the Pacific Coast of Chiapas, Mexico. Long known for the Central Mexican iconography found on its carved stelae, investigations conducted during the winter of 2017 represent the first excavations of the site. This paper presents the results of these excavations, as well as subsequent laboratory analysis. We now know that Fracción Mujular has a history that covers over one thousand years of occupation, from the Early Classic to the Late...

Telling Localized Indigenous Histories of Trade through AMS Dating and Bayesian Chronological Modeling in Southern Ontario, Canada (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Conger.

This is an abstract from the "Dating Iroquoia: Advancing Radiocarbon Chronologies in Northeastern North America" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Late sixteenth-century chronology of Indigenous sites in Southern Ontario has, until recently, relied upon relative means such as ceramic seriation and trade good chronologies. Bayesian chronological modeling of high-precision AMS radiocarbon dates is increasingly being applied to sites believed to date to...

Teotihuacan References Found within Classic Maya Inscriptions (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stephanie Lozano.

This paper explores Teotihuacan references found within the corpus of ancient Maya inscriptions. Classic Maya inscriptions analyzed for this investigation were derived from monumental architecture to ceramics. In the last decade more references to Teotihuacan within Classic Maya hieroglyphic writing have surfaced within the archaeological record and in museum collections. However, recently there has not been an in-depth study that analyzes the context of these recently uncovered references....

Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza, and a Cautionary Tale of Corporate Commerce (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Annabeth Headrick.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Teotihuacan exhibits a broad trend of shared wealth, exhibited by numerous luxurious apartment compounds whose residents accessed considerable quantities of valuables, as reflected by portraiture of richly clad mid-elites and the mass production of costume elements. Chichen Itza similarly eschewed royal portraiture in favor of works portraying group...

Testing the Geographical Sourcing of Rivercane Using Pb/Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Arkansas and Oklahoma (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Samuelsen. Elizabeth Horton. Adriana Potra.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The use of rivercane in ancient basketry and other ancient materials presents an opportunity to understand how culturally important objects were used and moved across the landscape. Examples of ritual and subsistence related basketry have been found at Spiro and in the Ozark Mountains, some of which are expected to come from other locations. Modern plant...

Textile Production in the Emerging Hohokam Ballcourt World (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Matthew Steber.

This is an abstract from the "Local Development and Cross-Cultural Interaction in Pre-Hispanic Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The development of the Hohokam regional ballcourt system in the Phoenix basin caused an economic shift during the Colonial period that increased the need for trade goods. Surplus cotton became a valuable commodity for communities situated on heavily irrigated river valleys....

There and Back: An Evaluation of Modeling Pre-sail Seafaring Exchange Routes (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emma Slayton.

This is an abstract from the "Modeling Mobility across Waterbodies" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the field of modeling water-based movement, many researchers have focused on modeling colonization or larger migration patterns. However, longer and more exploratory voyages encompasses only part of humanity’s use of sea travel. Evaluating closely connected sea-oriented communities can provide key insights into the everyday nature of sea movement,...

Things People Do with XRF (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Speakman.

This is an abstract from the "2019 Fryxell Award Symposium: Papers in Honor of M. Steven Shackley" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Over the past 15-20 years, archaeological chemistry has moved largely from centralized laboratories of interdisciplinary expertise to decentralized laboratories where expertise often times is lacking. This shift is most pronounced in the widespread adoption and use of inexpensive, compact, highly portable XRF...

The Thorny Problem of Spondylus Sourcing in the Ancient Andes (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Corey Herrmann. Nicholas Brown.

Archaeologists have long been fascinated with the exploitation and exchange of Spondylus spp. across the ancient world. This is especially true for the Andes, where the "thorny oyster" has been found far afield from its tropical breeding sites along the coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru. However, factors such as the uneven development of archaeology between Peru and Ecuador and the persistence of certain myths about Andean Spondylus have led to a "black-boxing" effect where exchange from...

Through a Glass, Darkly: Shedding Light on Late Prehistoric Obsidian Conveyance and Apachean Ethnogenesis on the Western Great Plains of North America (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin Gilmore. Jonathan Hedlund. Bonnie Clark.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Obsidian was technologically and symbolically important to the prehistoric inhabitants of western North America, and analysis of the small but diverse obsidian assemblage from the Bayou Gulch site (5DA265) in Colorado suggests both uses were important to the site’s inhabitants toward the end of the Late Prehistoric Period (AD 1000-1540). Chemical analysis...

Through the Forest: North-South Interregional and Intraregional Interaction along the Eastern Edge of the Andes during the Early Intermediate Period (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryan Clasby.

This paper will examine the intensification of long distance intraregional interaction networks among eastern slope (also known as ceja de selva) populations during the late Early Horizon and Early Intermediate Period. The centuries following the decline of the Chavín and Chorrera cultures are thought to represent a period of balkanization and (eventual) regionalization throughout much of the Central and Northern Andean coastal and highland valleys as previously established interregional...

Timing the Circulation of Nonlocal Materials in Seneca- and Onondaga-Region Sites (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Sanft.

This is an abstract from the "Dating Iroquoia: Advancing Radiocarbon Chronologies in Northeastern North America" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this paper, I evaluate newly acquired AMS radiocarbon dates for Seneca- and Onondaga-region sites, focusing on what these new dates can tell us about the regional exchange of non-local materials in the circa fourteenth- to seventeenth- century ancestral Haudenosaunee homeland (what is today central New...

Tlalancaleca: Ceramics and Interregional Interactions in Formative Central Mexico (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ariel Texis. Shigeru Kabata. Tatsuya Murakami.

Using ceramics as a proxy for social contact, we discuss a long history of interregional interactions of Tlalancaleca with other areas during the Formative Period. We have observed some clear changes of ceramic assemblages in the transitions between the Middle, Late, and Terminal Formative (or between the Texoloc, Tezoquipan, and Late Tezoquipan phases). While we do not imply that the presence or absence of certain ceramic traditions serves as direct indicators for political control, it is...

To the Caribbean and Beyond: Complete Mitogenomes of Ancient Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus) as a Proxy for Human Interaction in the Late Ceramic Age (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan deFrance. Edana Lord. Michelle LeFebvre. Catherine Collins. Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith.

The Caribbean Ceramic Age (AD500-1500) was associated with increased interaction between the islands and mainland South America. The domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) was introduced to the Caribbean post-AD500 through human transportation. Archaeological remains of guinea pigs are present on several Caribbean islands. This study used complete mitogenomes from ancient guinea pigs as a commensal model to identify likely human migration routes and interaction spheres within the Caribbean...

Tracing Late Quaternary Highland-Dryland Social Connectivity in Southern Africa with Ostrich Eggshell Bead Strontium Values: Preliminary Results (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Yu-chao Zhao. Brian Stewart.

Humans have frequented southern Africa’s highest reaches – Lesotho’s Maloti-Drakensberg Mountains – for ≥90,000 years. As with many high mountain systems worldwide, the Maloti-Drakensberg cast a rainshadow over closely neighboring arid lowlands (the eastern Karoo Desert). Based on previous archaeological and paleoenvironmental work in highland Lesotho, researchers have posited that source populations for human dispersals into the mountain zone often originated in the Karoo, particularly during...

Tracking Individual Raptors in the Archaeological Record Using Stable Isotope Analysis: Some Implications for the Study of Ritual Economies in New Mexico (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miranda LaZar. Jonathan Dombrosky. Emily Jones. Seth Newsome.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In this poster, we explore a cost-effective method for tracking artifacts made from individual raptors (or birds of prey) through the use of intra-skeletal variation in δ13C, δ15N, δ2H in modern samples of Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) and Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). Current methods of quantification in zooarchaeology, such as the minimum number of...

Tracking Individual Raptors in the Archaeological Record Using Stable Isotopes: Limitations, Possibilities, and Causes of Intraskeletal δ-Value Variation (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Miranda LaZar. Jonathan Dombrosky.

This is an abstract from the "Birds in Archaeology: New Approaches to Understanding the Diverse Roles of Birds in the Past" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The ability to track trade of socially valued goods made from raptor bones can give archaeologists a deeper understanding of both human-raptor interactions and networks of exchange. Reconstructing distribution of such goods from production centers, however, requires the ability to identify bones...

Trade and Exchange in the Greater Mapungubwe Landscape (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kefilwe Rammutloa.

This is an abstract from the "African Archaeology throughout the Holocene" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Our understanding of the trade and exchange networks systems in Southern Africa during AD 700 to AD 1300 has mostly been drawn from sites located in the Shashe Limpopo Confluence Area (SCLA); a drainage basin that is positioned on the borders of Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. This has led to bias interpretations and conceptualisation on...

Trade And Production of Steatite Vessels in New England (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Daniel Wilcox. Paul Nick Kardulias.

This research examines the trade and production of steatite vessels during the Archaic Period in New England. The study focuses specifically on a quarry Located in Barkhamsted, Connecticut where recent excavation has supplemented prior investigations from 1949 to 1951. The material from this site is located at Yale’s Peabody Museum and the archaeology lab at Central Connecticut State University. We also examine the artifact assemblages from other sites in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Along...

Trade as a Social Activity: Eastern Sigillata and Its Near Eastern Emulation (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alireza Khounani.

This is an abstract from the "The Archaeology of Trade and Exchange" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. It has been plainly demonstrated that market systems are socially embedded, a quality that fosters the movement of information, commodities, and people. Before the industrial period, long-distance trade required the presence of commercial agents at both the distribution centers and at the destinations for sale. The kin-based structure of merchant...

Trade Diaspora in Prehistoric Eastern Taiwan (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jiun-Yu Liu.

The origin and expansion of Austronesian, a language group disperses from Easter Island to Madagascar, is a long-term discussed issue in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. For the movement of people and materials, the migrationist models have dominated the explanatory frameworks in the South China Sea, a broader area of my proposed research region. In this proposed research the concept of trade diaspora is applied to examine the possibility of frequent bidirectional movement of materials and people...

The Trade of Tortoiseshell between the Caribbean and Europe during the 17th–18th Centuries: An Archaeological and Biomolecular Approach (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Caroline Solazzo. Jean Soulat.

Tortoiseshell is made from the scutes of sea turtles; historically, hawksbill turtle was the main source of tortoiseshell but other species might have been used. Between the 17th and 18th c. tortoiseshell obtained in the Caribbean was traded on North American and European markets. Tortoiseshell was used for making combs, fans, boxes, in bookbinding, and as veneering for furniture. Excavations in European workshops (Paris and Amsterdam) attest of the use of this exotic material into luxurious...

Trade Winds: A Study of Roman Ceramic Trade in the Balearic Islands (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Abigail Varlan. Olivia Navaro-Farr.

The Balearic Islands, located off the coast of Spain, were occupied by the Romans beginning in 123 B.C.E. Under Roman occupation, the islands saw the development of Roman-style infrastructure and architecture in place of the pre-existing megalithic style of groups such as the Talayotic people. Sanisera and Pollentia are examples of Roman cities developed to facilitate trade and support the military needs of the empire. While excavations of the Balearic Islands have provided a wealth of data,...

A Trading Post or Craftspeople’s Village? A Ceramic Perspective of the Blihun Hanben Site in Eastern Taiwan (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jiun-Yu Liu. Yi-Chang Liu.

This is an abstract from the "The Elemental Analysis Facility at the Field Museum: Celebrating 20 Years Serving the Archaeological Community " session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Blihun Hanben (BHB) site in ancient Taiwan, dated between 2,000 and 1,200 years ago, contained a wide range of remains that indicate an iron crafting settlement. The excavation yielded over 9,000 kg of ceramics from two cultural layers, indicating a prolonged period of...