National Monument (Other Keyword)
National Monuments
1-25 (50 Records)
This is an introduction to three articles (Bill Lipe, Caroline Zander, and Francis P. McManamon) commemorating the important contributions to United States archeology and historic preservation and a brief overview of the Antiquity's Act. The Antiquities Act set aside archeological sites on the public lands of the United States for special protection as public resources of significance and value to every American. The Antiquities Act aimed to ensure that the commemorative value, history, and...
The Antiquities Act
This project includes documents related to the history and historical background of the Antiquities Act and its implementation during the century since its enactment. The Antiquities Act was signed into law in 1906 by President Theodore Roosevelt. The history of American conservation often is told in terms of legal milestones, and rightly so. An environmental activist working to expand a local park, a historic preservationist trying to save a cherished old building, a volunteer working on a...
The Antiquities Act - Setting Basic Preservation Policies (1996)
On June 8, 1906, 90 years ago, President Theodore Roosevelt signed into law the Antiquities Act. This law was intended to protect archeological sites on the public lands of the United States as resources of significance and value to every American. The goal was to preserve historic, scientific, commemorative, and cultural values embodied in archeological sites for present and future generations of Americans. As one means of commemorating the anniversary of this important statute, this article...
The Antiquities Act and National Monuments: A Progressive Conservation Legacy (1999)
The Antiquities Act of June 8, 1906, may be the most important piece of preservation legislation ever enacted by the United States government. Although its title suggests a limited focus on archeological matters, in practice the law became a cornerstone of preservation in the federal system. By allowing Presidents extraordinary power to preserve cultural and “scientific” features on public land, it created a mechanism for rapid decisionmaking concerning the disposition of federal lands. The...
The Antiquities Act and the Acreage Debate (2006)
June 8 of 2006 marked the centennial of the Antiquities Act —a law that, by any standards, is a landmark in the history of U.S. land management policies. There was a sweeping application of this act in the late 1970s that reserved a huge amount of acreage, and generated as large an amount of controversy. Questions arose, therefore, about the roots of that controversy, and whether the actions taken regarding Alaska were unique. The Antiquities Act’s second section provides for the U.S. president...
The Antiquities Act of 1906 and the Hidden Treasures of the American West (2008)
This is a two page overview of the Antiquities Act by the Wilderness Society.. Since Congress passed the Antiquities Act in 1906, presidents—Republicans and Democrats alike—have used the Act more than 100 times to preserve some of our most spectacular and historically important public lands. Although its title suggests a focus on archaeology (ruins, petroglyphs, etc.), the Antiquities Act gives the president the power to protect all forms of American history – natural, scientific, and...
Antiquities Act: An Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities (1906)
This is a copy of the Antiquities Act
The Antiquities Act: Protecting America's Natural Treasures (2006)
Rising 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River, Devils Tower casts shadows over the rolling hills, pine forests, and prairie grasses that comprise Devils Tower National Monument in northeastern Wyoming. Proclaimed a National Monument on September 24, 1906, by President Theodore Roosevelt, Devils Tower is our oldest National Monument and represents the first time the Antiquities Act of 1906 was used to preserve some of the remarkable resources found throughout the United States. Since the...
The Antiquities Act: The First Hundred Years of a Landmark Law (2006)
The history of American archaeology, conservation, and historic preservation often is told in terms of legal milestones, and rightly so. An environmental activist working to expand a nearby park, a historic preservationist trying to save a cherished old building, a volunteer working on a national wilderness campaign, an archaeologist investigating an ancient village site in advance of reservoir construction—all are working from a solid foundation of statutory authorities that, law by law, have...
Archeology of Pajarito Park, New Mexico (1904)
In the summer of 1896 the writer commenced to investigate the archeology of the plateau between the Jemez mountain range and the Rio Grande in New Mexico. The ethnological significance of this region seemed at that time to have been overlooked, nor has it yet received much attention. The studies then begun have continued intermittently ever since. The first object was to obtain such facts as could be obtained by exploration, photography, and a limited amount of excavation. I hope to be...
Bush Eyes Unprecedented Conservation Program (2008)
This is the transcript from the radio program "All Things Considered". The broadcast discusses the possibility of George W. Bush using the Antiquities Act to protect ocean reserves. If the idea moves ahead, environmentalists say it would be one of the most significant ctions of conservation in U.S. history. And they say it could give President Bush what you might call a historic blue legacy.
Conservation Fund, Antiquities Act Prove Great for Outdoors (2011)
The far-reaching America’s Great Outdoors (AGO) Report, released on February 16, synthesizes input from a national conversation that got Americans talking about the places they love and how they want to work together to protect them. Our public lands, the heritage of all Americans, face many hallenges - climate change, air and water pollution, urban sprawl, and loss of open space. Policymakers on both sides of the aisle can take direction from the nation’s collective wisdom as they look to...
Controversy over Antiquities Act and National Monuments makes little sense (2010)
Recently, some members of Congress have attempted to create controversy with an anonymous leak of an “Internal Draft — NOT FOR RELEASE” memo within the Department of Interior. The leaked memo contained a list of 14 areas in nine states that might be worthy of being designated as national monuments under the Antiquities Act. The memo clearly stated, “further evaluations should be completed prior to any final decision, including an assessment of public and Congressional support.” For those of us...
CRS Report for Congress: National Monument Issues (2002)
Presidential creation of national monuments under the Antiquities Act of 1906 often has been contentious. Recent controversy has focused on President Clinton’s creation of 19 new monuments and expansion of 3 others. Issues have related to the size of the areas and types of resources protected, the inclusion of non-federal lands within monument boundaries, restrictions on land uses, and the manner in which the monuments were created. The Bush Administration is reviewing President Clinton’s...
CRS Report for Congress: RS20647 Authority of a President to Modify or Eliminate a National Monument (2000)
Both the President and the Congress currently can create "national monuments," a type of conservation unit created from federal lands. Since 1933 and until recently, monuments were managed by the National Park Service in the Department of the Interior. President Clinton has created a number of new national monuments and has charged agencies other than the National Park Service with the management of several of them. The President exercised the authority given the President under the Antiquities...
Cultural Resources Survey of a Proposed National Cemetary. (2000)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
The Devil, the Details, and the Dawn of the 21st-Century Administrative State: Beyond the New Deal (2000)
More than half a century has passed since the New Deal, the era known for ushering in the modern administrative state, where broad-sweeping regulatory powers were delegated to over a dozen new executive agencies pursuant to a raft of social legislation. Until the later years of the New Deal, courts were highly suspicious of socially progressive legislation, and, for that matter, any legislation that upset common law systems supporting private property rights and freedom of contract. Regulatory...
Establishing the Grand Canyon National Monument - A Proclamation by President Theodore Roosevelt (1908)
I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by section two of the Act of Congress, approved June eighth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled, "An Act For the preservation of American antiquities," do proclaim that there are hereby reserved from appropriation and use of all kinds under all of the public land laws, subject to all prior valid adverse claims, and set apart as a National Monument, all the tracts of land, in the Territory of...
An Evolving Partnership: the San Juan National Forest, the Chimney Rock Interpretive Association and a New National Monument. (2016)
Chimney Rock National Monument, designated by President Barack Obama on September 21, 2012, is located within the San Juan National Forest in southwestern Colorado. The 4,726 acre monument preserves and protects hundreds of prehistoric sites (including a Chacoan outlier great house and kiva) and resource gathering and use areas associated with the ancestors and families of numerous Native American groups with ties to the greater American Southwest. The stewardship and sustainability of this...
From Grand Staircase to Grand Canyon Parashant: Is There a Monumental Future for the BLM? (2000)
This document is a transcript of remarks made at the University of Denver Law School by Bruce Babbitt, then the Secretary of the Interior. Secretary Babbitt was instrumental in identifying and justifying the large number of National Monument designations and expansions made by President Bill Clinton. In this presentation, Secretary Babbitt provides his perspective about the nature of National Monuments and the importance of the Antiquities Act. Secretary Babbitt was appointed by President...
Government Supervision of Historic and Prehistoric Ruins (1904)
The traffic in prehistoric wares from the southwest that has arisen during the past few years, with the attendant destruction of prehistoric remains, has become a matter of great concern to archeologists, who appreciate the gravity of this loss to anthropological science. Even though much of this material gathered by parties who are only commercially interested in it, eventually finds its way into public museums, its value to science is greatly reduced because of the absence of authentic...
Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument (1998)
President Clinton created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, by proclamation on September 18, 1996. The Monument contains geological, paleontological, archeological, biological, natural, and historical resources. It is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) under interim guidelines, pending approval of a final management plan and environmental impact statement (EIS) by September 18, 1999. The creation of the Monument was controversial. Issues include the President's...
Historic and Prehistoric Ruins of the Southwest and Their Preservation (1904)
The importance of the large number of historic and prehistoric ruins scattered over the semiarid region of the southwestern part of the United States has gradually come to be recognized. Every cliff dwelling, every prehistoric tower, communal house, shrine and burial mound is an object which can contribute something to the advancement of knowledge, and hence is worthy of preservation. Knowledge of the extent, location and nature of these ruins bas been accumulating for many years. We now know...
History of Legislation Relating to The National Park System Through the 82d Congress (the Antiquities Act) (1958)
This report consists of a collection of the bills and resolutions introduced through the 82nd Congress in relation to the Antiquities Act. It also includes copies of statutes, orders, proclamations, appropriation acts, state laws, public documents relating to legislation and executive and department orders.
Implementing the Antiquities Act: A Survey of Archeological Permits 1906-1935 (2003)
Public archeology in the United States received a long-sought and hard won legislative boost for antiquities protection in 1906. On June 8, 1906, a federal law, an Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities (16 U. S. C. 431-433) was signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt after several arduous decades of dedicated attention to the issue. Better known as the Antiquities Act, its enactment responded to a growing concern over the issues of looting and vandalism of...