Reed Bundle (Other Keyword)
1-6 (6 Records)
Digital images of pottery and perishable items recovered from Earl Morris' excavations of Aztec West Ruin between 1916 and 1922. Although Morris' excavations at Aztec were extensive, his analysis and descriptions of the artifact assemblage were cursory. In 2003, Laurie Webster and Lori Stephens Reed began systematic analysis, documentation, and digital imaging of pottery and perishables from Morris' Aztec West Ruin collections housed at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY and...
Aztec West Ruin: Perishables and Pottery from Various National Park Service Projects and Collections
This project includes images of perishable artifacts (textiles, basketry, etc.) and pottery recovered from Aztec Ruins during the course of numerous National Park Service (NPS) projects. Some of the artifacts were donated to the NPS and may have originated at sites other than Aztec Ruins. The artifacts are part of the NPS collections and are housed at either Aztec Ruins National Monument, Hibben Center at the University of New Mexico, or Western Archeology and Conservation Center. Most of the...
Marshland of Cities: Deltaic Landscapes and the Evolution of Early Mesopotamian Civilization (2003)
Prevailing theories of the evolution of early complex societies in southern Mesopotamia presume a uniform, arid landscape transited by Tigris and Euphrates distributaries. These theories hold that it was the seventh millennium BCE introduction of irrigation technologies from the northern alluvium to the south that began the punctuated evolution of Mesopotamian irrigation schemes. In this view, irrigation-dependent agro-pastoral production was the primary stimulus to urbanization and, millennia...
Perishable: Reed Bundle AMNH 29.0/8283 (2006)
Reed Bundle, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8283. Morris FS 1779. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Reed bundle wrapped with yucca tie. Image: AMNH 29.0-8283A: bundle of reeds bound with yucca-leaf tie. Recovered from Earl Morris' excavation of Room179-2, Aztec West Ruin. Morris (1928:375-376) indicates that “The ashy refuse containing some vegetable matter on the floor of Room 179-2 averaged 2 ½ feet in thickness. From it came four grooved axes, two skinning knives, a sandstone slab, flint and...
Perishable: Reed Bundle AMNH 29.0/8484 (2006)
Reed Bundle, Accession AMNH29.0, Catalog #8484. Morris FS 1977. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Collection of reeds tied together with modern string. Reed bundle wrapped with fine 2(2Z-S)Z yucca cordage with red feathers tied to end of cord. Images: AMNH 29.0/8484A: collection of reeds tied together with modern string. AMNH 29.0/8484B: detail of fine 2(2z-S)Z yucca cordage wrapped around some elements. AMNH 29.0/8484C: close-up of red feathers tied to end of cord. AMNH 29.0/8484D: view of...
Perishable: Reed Bundle AZRU20-2925 (2006)
Reed Bundle, Accession AZRU-00020, Catalog #2925. Other No: [Unknown]. Analyzed by Laurie Webster, 2006. Bundle of reeds, some with intact sections of 2-strand twining with a yucca leaf. Probably the remains of a twined reed mat. Bound with Morris's red string. Measurements: L 36.0, D 4.0 (where bound) CM. Image: AZRU20-2925A: bundle of reeds with remnants of 2-strand twining, poss remains of twined mat. Recovered from Room [Unknown], Aztec West Ruin. Artifact from Aztec Ruins National Monument...