Room 20 (Other Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Aztec West Ruin: Composite Wall Elevations from Pre-Backfilling Architectural Photo-Documentation
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project includes architectural wall elevation images of individual rooms in the great house at Aztec West Ruin. Most of the images were photographed prior to backfilling efforts and during architectural documentation in West Ruin. Most of the images are composites of multiple photographs that were spliced together in Adobe Photoshop to reconstruct the entire wall elevation. Each individual image is a high-resolution, rectified photograph that was created either using a digital camera or...

Aztec West Ruin: Pre-Backfilling Architectural Photo-Documentation
PROJECT Gary Brown.

This project includes rectified images of architectural features and masonry in rooms at Aztec West Ruin. The images were taken prior to backfilling efforts and during architectural documentation. Digital images were created either using a digital camera or scanned from photographic slides. To date, photographs from the east wing and northeastern corner of West Ruin have been ingested into tDAR.

Early Pueblo III great house Room 20 overviews (1998)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 1, Room 20 overviews (room photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Early PIII one-story room added to south East Wing of West Ruin(see Morris 1928). Image AZRU-E Wing_Room 20_1A: South interior wall overview copied from IMG0095; Image AZRU-E Wing_Room 20_1B: East interior wall SE oblique copied from IMG0101; Image AZRU-E Wing_Room 20_1C: East interior wall NE oblique overview copied from IMG0100; Image AZRU-E Wing_Room 20_1D: North interior wall NE oblique...

Early Pueblo III great house room composites AZRU-J98.020 (2011)
IMAGE Gary Brown. Joel Gamache.

Aztec West, Sector 1, Room 20 composite wall elevations created by splicing together multiple images (photographed in 1998 by Art Ireland prior to backfilling). Early PIII one-story room added to south East Wing (see Morris 1924). Image AZRU-J98.020A: South interior wall copied from IMG0094; Image AZRU-J98.020B: East interior wall created using IMG0096, 0099, 0102 & 0104; Image AZRU-J98.020C: North interior wall copied from IMG0106; Image AZRU-J98.020D: West interior wall created using...