México (Other Keyword)
1-25 (134 Records)
A program of augering residential mounds preceeded the selection of mounds for residential test excavations. These pdf files have the data forms and associated notes related to the auger testing, done in 1987.
Archival Excavation Records 1987 (1987)
Residential mound excavations during 1987 were recorded with forms, and artifacts from the excavations were recorded on forms.
Archival Survey Feature or Collection Forms (2012)
These are pdf files of the original survey feature/collection forms. Each survey feature was recorded on a form and assigned a unique number, and, if the feature was collected, that number pertains to the surface collection. Some features have more than one collection, in which case additional feature/collection numbers were assigned. Rarely numbers were subsequently de-assigned, and might then be assigned to a different feature/collection later, but occasionally numbers were not used...
Archival Survey Field Forms (2012)
These pdf files show forms for fields where survey was conducted and the locations of features/collections within the field, along with vegetation and other observations. These files are only available with special permission because those from seasons when global positioning equipment was used have UTM coordinates. Those from survey using aerial mosaics sometimes show roads or towns identifiable on maps.
Archival Survey Figurine Forms (2012)
These laboratory forms record figurine classifications.
Archival Survey Misc Artifact Forms (2012)
These pdfs contain the original laboratory coding forms for a variety of miscellaneous artifacts, such as spindle whorls, incensarios, colanders,clay balls, and other unusual ceramic forms. Artifacts related to ceramic production are included.
Archival Survey Obsidian Forms (2012)
Obsidian coding forms from the PALM regional survey and associated notes. The obsidian coding was directed by Lynette Heller.
Archival Survey Pottery Forms (2012)
These archival forms recorded pottery types and attributes for survey collections. Some show updates or corrections when pottery was reexamined, but a few updates were made directly on electronic database or excel files.
Blanco River Irrigation District Maps (2012)
Rio Blanco irrigation district maps were scanned for use in GIS programs for the Proyecto Arqueologico La Mixtequilla. Not all the irrigation district maps were copied by xerox for this endeavor. There are additional maps held by the irrigation district offices. The irrigation district is part of the Comision del Papaloapan.
Ceramic balls from PALM survey (2012)
This file contains data on ceramic balls (usually whole or major part) collected during survey. Data from clay balls observed but not collected have not yet been added to the file. These artifacts are thought to have been used in construction.
Ceramic disks from the PALM project (2012)
This file contains information on perforated and non-perforated ceramic disks from the PALM project survey and excavation.
Ceramic wheels from PALM survey (2012)
This file contains information about ceramic wheels (for wheeled "toys") from PALM survey.
Chert and obsidian bifacial tool attributes, definitions used by AJ Vonarx (2012)
This file lists and defines the attributes used by AJ Vonarx in coding obsidian and chert bifacial tools from PALM survey. This file is only partially complete at the time of upload.
Chert artifacts from PALM 1 (2012)
This dataset records information about chert artifacts recovered during PALM 1 (1984-1989).
Chert artifacts from PALM 2 survey (2012)
This file contains information on chert artifacts recovered during PALM 2 survey (1998-2002).
Chert Biface Coding Sheets (2013)
A.J. Vonarx recorded attributes of chert bifacial artifacts, apparently all are projectile points.
Chert tool attributes, PALM project (2012)
This file contains chert tool attributes recorded by A.J. Vonarx for her University of Arizona Master's thesis research.
Cia. Mexicana de Aerofoto Aerial Mosaics of Lower Papaloapan Basin (1969)
Aerial mosaics of the lower Papaloapan basin were created for the Comision del Papaloapan by the Cia. Mexicana de Aerofoto, which has since gone out of business. Their negatives and any remaining prints appear to have been lost, or at least are in an unknown location. Prints were purchased covering the western lower Papaloapan area and used in archaeological survey 1986-1988. Subsequently, survey was conducted with Irrigation District maps or GPS. These scans function as archival records of...
Documentation of Image Archive (2012)
Description of how the image archive is organized.
Estudio Arqueozoológico del sitio precerámico de San Gregorio, Xochimilco, México. (2015)
Uno de los sitios del Precerámico tardío más explorados en los últimos 25 años es San Gregorio Atlapulco, Xochimilco, Distrito Federal, México. En el mismo se han realizado varias temporadas de excavación por diversos grupos de investigadores y entre los materiales que se han estudiado están los arqueozoológicos. La más reciente excavación no fue la excepción, se obtuvo una colección de animales que nos permiten tener una idea más clara de lo que fue el paisaje y el paleoambiente hace 6200...
Feature information from PALM survey through 2002 (2012)
This excel file contains information about the archaeological features recorded in survey from 1986 to 2002. The variables are described in a separate document: mcolvars.doc. A collection number is based on the feature number. Any additional collection from a feature was given a separate number, normally in the 900s.
Feature variables for PALM survey, definitions (2012)
This document file describes the variables in the mndallto02.xls file.
Figurines 1-500 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1-500. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 1001-1200 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1001-1200. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.
Figurines 1201-1500 (2012)
These figurine images fall within accession numbers 1201-1500. Variables are described in the Documentation of Image Archive, and associated information about the image is contained in the access database Palm Image Archive.