job conditions (Other Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Archaeology Jobs USA 1999-2012 (2012)
DATASET Doug Rocks-Macqueen.

This spreadsheet contains archaeology jobs data in the US from 1999-2012. The data was collected from the websites (1999-2012) and (2011-2012). See additional document in this project for a greater detail about this data and methods used to collect it.

Jobs in American Archaeology
PROJECT Doug Rocks-Macqueen.

Jobs in American Archaeology is a project that looks at some of the job conditions of archaeologists in the United States. The project looks at data from 1999 to present.

Methodology and Definitions for Jobs in US Archaeology (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Doug Rocks-Macqueen.

A brief description of methods and definitions used in the Jobs in US Archaeology dataset.