GMWG (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Avon Park AFR Architectural and General Base History
PROJECT Avon Park Air Force Range. Park T. DeVane. Kelly Nolte. US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District. Virgil Roy Beasley. Marsha Prior. United States Air Force History Office and Museums Program.

This project contains documents relating to both the architectural and the general history of the Avon Park Air Force Range. The documents range from amateur histories of the air force range to Historic American Engineering Record-like documentation.

Military Historic Context Emphasizing the Cold War Including the Identification and Evaluation of Above Ground Cultural Resources for Thirteen Department of Defense Installations in the State of Georgia (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kelly Nolte. Mark A. Steinback.

Panamerican Consultants Inc. (Panamerican) was contracted by Fort Benning Military Reservation and the Department of Defense Legacy Resources Management Program to develop an historic context emphasizing the Cold War for thirteen Department of Defense (DoD) installations in the state of Georgia, which included the identification and evaluation of above ground cultural resources (e.g., infrastructure, landscape and buildings/structures). The thirteen installations included in this investigation...