Dark Olive Green Glass (Other Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
"In October 2004, the City of North Augusta contracted with TRC to conduct Phase II archaeological investigations on portions of 38AK276, also known as Campbellton. The site was originally recommended potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) subsequent to a Phase I cultural resources survey conducted by AF Consultants (Drucker and Barr 2004). AF Consultants recommended either avoidance or additional investigations if avoidance was not possible. The City of North...
Plantations Without Pillars: Archaeology, Wealth, and Material Life at Bush Hill
"The results of archaeological investigations conducted at Bush Hill plantation (site 38AK660) by personnel with the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program are summarized in the following monograph. Bush Hill plantation is located near Upper Three Runs Creek in Aiken County, South Carolina on the Savannah River Site, a nuclear research facility operated by the U.S. Department of Energy. Data recovery excavations were conducted at the site between 1996 and 1999 in response to the...
Plantations Without Pillars: Archaeology, Wealth, and Material Life at Bush Hill Volume 2 Technical Description of Excavations, Features, and Artifacts (2004)
"The following document is Volume 2 of the report of investigations conducted at Bush Hill plantation (site 38AK660). A technical description of the excavation methods used at the site and the archaeological features encountered during fieldwork are discussed in this volume. The volume also contains a detailed description of the artifacts recovered from the site. The methods used to analyze archival information associated with the study area is also presented in this document. The technical...