Proposed Borrow Pit (Other Keyword)
1-5 (5 Records)
"The project involved the replacement of the existing bridge with a reinforced concrete flat slab bridge. The parcel of new right-of-way measure 335 feet long by 42 feet."
Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pit (1987)
"The proposed pit is on the edge of a ridgetop overlooking Shaws Creek. Elevation is approximately 450 feet."
Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pit (1988)
"The proposed pit is located south of S.C. 302 at the juncture of S-81 and S.C. 302, about 2.5 miles southwest of the Aiken city boundary. The pit measures approximately 200 by 700 feet (3.2 acres) and consists of a fallow pasture located on a sloping hillside."
Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pit, Aiken County (1990)
"The borrow pit is located along U.S. 278/S.C. 125 approximately 1.7 miles southwest of the town of Clearwater."
Archaeological Investigation of Proposed Borrow Pit, Aiken County (1992)
"The proposed pit is approximately 2.2 acres of sloping ridge finger west of S-230. The pit is bounded on the north by a flagged property line, on the south by a length of chain link fence that encloses a warehouse, on the east bv an existing pit and in the west bv flagging."