LiDAR (Other Keyword)

1-25 (122 Records)

3D Digital Documentation of Historic Launch Complex Structures at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS): A Workflow Methodology for DoD Cultural Resources LC19 and LC34 Areas of Interest (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Travis Doering. Lori Collins.

Working in collaboration with the 4sth Space Wing of the United States Air Force, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), this digital survey and documentation was undertaken to provide continuing baseline terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) survey, monitoring, and spatial recordation for selected historic launch complexes. Targeted structures were chosen for ongoing assessment and 3D laser scan survey, and these data were brought together with aerial Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and...

A 3D Landscape Analysis of Stelae Visibility at Copan, Honduras (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Heather Richards-Rissetto. Michael Auer. Jennifer von Schwerin. Nicolas Billen.

From the early 5th to early 9th centuries, a dynasty of sixteen kings ruled at the ancient Maya site of Copan, Honduras. In the mid-7thth century, Chan Imix K'awiil or Ruler 12, is believed to be the first of Copan’s rulers to erect stelae outside the city’s main civic-ceremonial group. Why did he do this? Did these stelae exist as solar markers? Did they serve as territorial markers? Or, were they part of a communication system? Scholars have set forth these and other hypotheses, to explain the...

Aerial Remote Sensing For Documenting Fur Trade ‘Cultural Landscapes’ (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only J. Scott Hamilton.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Remote Sensing in Historical Archaeology (General Sessions)" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Fur trade posts have long been a focus for Canadian historical archaeology, specifically the compounds that were central to European occupation and commerce.  This has constrained interpretation of surrounding hinterlands, and archaeological recognition of Indigenous presence and role. While these shortcomings have...

An agricultural risk mitigation strategy using multiple water sources, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Carr. Vernon Scarborough. Nicholas Dunning. Elizabeth Haussner.

From approximately 850 to 1250 A.D., despite an extremely arid environment, the ancient people of Chaco Canyon were able to marshal the food production and engineering skills to build a string of "Great Houses", several containing hundreds of rooms. This poster describes a system of multiple water sources supplying the agricultural area below the Great House at Peñasco Blanco. High-resolution aerial lidar was key to identifying the multiple water sources. Rainfall and snow are the source of...

Aguadas of the Bajo el Laberinto Region: Form, Distribution, and Biocultural Importance (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alberto Flores-Colin. Demián Hinojosa-Garro.

This is an abstract from the "New and Emerging Perspectives on the Bajo el Laberinto Region of the Maya Lowlands, Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Aguadas are permanent or temporary water reservoirs distributed throughout the Elevated Interior Region (EIR). These wetlands have formed complex ecosystems that are essential for the survival of many species and are sometimes the only source of fresh water for animal and human communities in the...

Anthropogenic Landscapes in Southern New England: An Archaeological Investigation of Farming Practices on an Eighteenth Century Colonial Farmstead in Southeastern Connecticut (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Moriah McKenna. Anthony Graesch.

The now-forested New England landscape has been shaped substantially by long-term human activities. Partitioned by thousands of miles of stone walls, the young and dense woodlands visible today are a consequence of intensive clear-cutting and farming activities in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this study, we apply the theory and method of landscape archaeology to the study of farming practices at an eighteenth century, 49-acre colonial farmstead in southeastern Connecticut. We...

Application of LIDAR in New Site Discoveries, Susitna Valley, Alaska (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Martin. Kathryn E. Krasinski. Brian T. Wygal. Fran Seager-Boss.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have long been a standard tool for mapping or depicting archaeological features and sites in the circumpolar north. Recently, remote sensing techniques including Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) have provided extremely high resolution datasets for landscape level survey and site detection from the GIS platform. Initial applications have proven useful for identifying temple complexes and other large scale archaeological sites in the Central American...

Architectural Variation in the Tres Zapotes Region (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Pool. Michael Loughlin. Manuel Melgarejo Pérez. Gabriela Montero Mejía. Kyle Mullen.

A combined program of aerial LiDAR mapping and pedestrian survey is documenting significant intra-regional variation in pre-Hispanic architectural plans in the Eastern Lower Papaloapan Basin of southern Veracruz, Mexico, reflecting the interplay of ecological adaptation, political integration, factionalism, and extra-regional influences. Consistent association of domestic mounds with small bajos in low-lying areas suggests intentional (as opposed to accretional) mounding and landscape...

Archival and Geophysical Investigations to Locate a Civil War Cemetery and Railroad Station, Fort Lee (FL2010.012)
PROJECT Uploaded by: system user

In September, 2008, the Cultural Resources Management Program (CRMP) at Fort Lee, Virginia requested assistance from the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in identifying a Civil War cemetery believed to have been located on what is now Fort Lee. One of the few clues about the cemetery’s location was that it was near Meade (or Meade’s) Station, a United States Military Rail Road (USMRR) station constructed during the Civil...

Archival and Geophysical Investigations to Locate a Civil War Cemetery and Railroad Station, Fort Lee, Virginia (2010)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carey, L. Baxter. Michael L. Hargrave. Carl G. Carlson-Drexler.

In September, 2008, the Cultural Resources Management Program (CRMP) at Fort Lee, Virginia requested assistance from the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in identifying a Civil War cemetery believed to have been located on what is now Fort Lee. One of the few clues about the cemetery’s location was that it was near Meade (or Meade’s) Station, a United States Military Rail Road (USMRR) station constructed during the Civil...

Assessing Predictability of Dam Effects at Archaeological Sites Using Long-Term Repeat Lidar Surveys (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Helen Fairley. Joel Sankey. Joshua Caster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Repeat lidar surveys conducted over multiple years are a means of monitoring physical changes at archaeological sites with methods that are objective, replicable, accurate, and relatively low impact. These monitoring data can also be useful for testing assumptions about how archaeological site condition may change in response to changes in upstream dam...

Assessing predictability of dam effects at archaeological sites using long-term repeat lidar surveys (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Helen Fairley. Joel Sankey. Joshua Caster.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Repeat lidar surveys conducted over multiple years are a means of monitoring physical changes at archaeological sites with methods that are objective, replicable, accurate, and relatively low impact. These monitoring data can also be useful for testing assumptions about how archaeological site condition may change in response to changes in upstream dam...

Baseline Remote Sensing Survey of the Mayan Biosphere Reserve (MBR) in Petén Guatemala (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Juan Fernandez Diaz. Ramesh Shrestha.

The Fundación Patrimonio Cultural y Natural Maya (PACUNAM), a non-governmental-organization (NGO) from Guatemala, works for the promotion and preservation of cultural and natural patrimony contained within the Mayan Biosphere Reserve (MBR) in the department of Petén in Guatemala. To aid with their preservation and promotion goals, PACUNAM, has developed a plan to perform an airborne lidar and hyperspectral survey of nearly 14,000 km² of the MBR and neighboring regions over a three year period....

Beneath the Blue-Green Trees: Understanding the Built Environment of Yaxox through Lidar Analysis (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Shane Montgomery. Jaime Awe.

The Upper Belize River Valley hosted a high density of ancient Maya settlement from the Early Preclassic Period onward, supported by abundant fertile alluvial floodplains. In addition to the handful of major civic-ceremonial centers spread along the valley, the region also sustained numerous middle-tier administrative, ceremonial, and residential loci. The site of Yaxox, strategically situated at the confluence of the Macal and Mopan rivers, provides an intriguing example of a minor...

Big, Bigger, Biggest: Investigating Aguadas 1–3 at Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Brewer. Nicholas Dunning. Shane Montgomery. Nicolaus Seefeld. Christopher Carr.

This is an abstract from the "New and Emerging Perspectives on the Bajo el Laberinto Region of the Maya Lowlands, Part 1" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Calakmul is known to be one of the largest ancient Maya urban centers in the Elevated Interior Region of the Maya Lowlands. Thus, it is not surprising that in this water-challenged environment, the population of Calakmul invested in some of the region’s grandest reservoirs. While limited...

Boundaries of the Past as Viewed through the Fences of Today: Shifting Methods of Archaeological Inquiry in the Southern Maya Lowlands (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryan Mongelluzzo. Jose Garrido. Jean-Baptiste Le Moine.

This is an abstract from the "Making and Breaking Boundaries in the Maya Lowlands: Alliance and Conflict across the Guatemala–Belize Border" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. An exploration of how modern borders of different kinds have influenced, and sometimes impeded, our understanding of ancient borders and territories. The Guatemala-Belize border has ramifications in terms of the ways in which scholars interact and how the archaeology is...

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station cultural heritage resources collection.

Challenges and opportunities to the lidar mapping of the Tres Zapotes region (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ramesh Shrestha. Juan Carlos Fernandez Diaz.

The Olmec polity of Tres Zapotes, which developed on the southern gulf lowlands of the present day state of Veracruz in Mexico, is nestled between the Papaloapan river delta and the Tuxla Mountains. Topographic, geological, ecological and cultural context of the region presents unique challenges and opportunities to archeological prospecting using airborne lidar mapping due to extensive cultivation of sugar cane which can hinder the capability of the lidar to map the ground beneath it; cultural...

Characterizing Purépecha Urbanism (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher T. Fisher.

At the time of European contact the Lake Pátzcuaro Basin (LPB) was the geopolitical core of the Purépecha (Tarascan) Empire (A.D. 1350-1520), and has long been recognized as a Mesoamerican core region . Cities were an important component of Purépecha statecraft but comparatively little is known about their general characteristics, organization, and evolution. Here I explore the use and division of space within the ancient city of Angamuco to document the development of social complexity, complex...

Chimney Rock: an Analysis of Landscape using Terrestrial LiDAR (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tessa Branyan. Israel Hinojosa-Balino. Mariana Lujan. Megan Murphy. Gerardo Gutierrez.

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), widely known because of its aerial survey applications, is a multifaceted technology that can be used in terrestrial platforms. Here we present a new interpretation on the internal organization of Chimney Rock Great House and its landscape based on the use of terrestrial LiDAR. We will address methodological and technical approaches to the use of terrestrial LiDAR in the recording and study of this historical and archaeological monument.

Classic Maya Urbanism at Dzibanche Revealed by Airborne Lidar Mapping (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Francisco Estrada-Belli. Sandra Balanzario Granados.

This is an abstract from the "The Rise and Apogee of the Classic Maya Kaanu’l Hegemonic State at Dzibanche" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Lidar survey of the city of Dzibanche reveals the city's settlement to be more extensive and populous than previously thought and consistent with its political reach as a hegemonic state. A closer look at the organization of public spaces within its center reveals architectural arrangements that appear to share...

Clear Views from the Ground: 3D Modeling of Architecture and Rock Art from Chaco to Anguilla (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Wetherbee Dorshow. Patricia Crown. John Crock.

Airborne LiDAR and orthophotography are increasingly ubiquitous in modern archaeological research, particularly at the regional scale. For detailed intrasite analyses of architectural sites, rockshelters, and caves, however, these airborne technologies offer limited utility. This paper highlights the significant research potential and conservation value of very high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR and gigapan HDR photogrammetry for architectural and "built" cultural dwelling places. Drawing on two...

Combining Aerial Lidar and Deep Learning to Detect Archaeological Features in the Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Claudine Gravel-Miguel. Grant Snitker. Jayde Hirniak. Katherine Peck.

This is an abstract from the "Big Ideas to Match Our Future: Big Data and Macroarchaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. A growing number of archaeologists are using lidar-derived high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTM) to detect and document archaeological features. Early adopters used visualizations to manually detect archaeological features; however, recent technological advances provide new tools that can considerably increase the...

Comparing plane-based and drone-based LiDAR to pedestrian surveys in the American Southwest (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jeffrey Ferguson. Sean Polun. Francisco Gomez. Robert Walker. Zachary Smith.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. LiDAR surveys have revealed vast areas of ancient human settlement in parts of the world that are poorly known due to dense vegetative cover, but the use of LiDAR as a survey tool has not been fully explored in regions like the American Southwest that feature minimal vegetation and generally good surface visibility. Our research program in the Lion...

Comparisons and Contrasts of Digital Imaging Technologies in Subterranean Mesoamerica (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cameron Griffith. Adam Spring. Brent Woodfill.

Over a period of just a few short years there have been dramatic advancements in digital imaging and scanning technologies. Increasingly, cave archaeologists around the world are utilizing many of these new platforms and techniques to document subterranean artwork. This paper outlines two different approaches to digital imaging of ancient Maya cave art. In Guatemala, a Z+F IMAGER 5010C 3D Laser scanner, mounted on a tripod, was employed in Cueva San Juan and Hun Nal Ye to document both...