ICP-MS compositional data (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

ICP-MS Data on Kuril Island Pottery from E. Gjesfjeld's 2014 PhD Thesis (2014)
DATASET Erik Gjesfjeld.

This file holds the ICP-MS data generated on 311 pottery samples (44 elements) by Erik Gjesfjeld for his Ph.D. thesis titled, "Of Pots and People: Investigating Hunter-Gatherer Pottery Production and Social Networks in the Kuril Islands". This thesis was submitted to the University of Washington on June 12th, 2014 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Dr. Gjesfjeld completed his degree in the University of Washington's Department of Anthropology.

Kuril Biocomplexity Project Archive (NSF 0508109)
PROJECT Ben Fitzhugh.

A broadly interdisciplinary, international team investigated the complex web of cultural, ecological, geological, and climate systems in the Kuril Islands. The Kurils provide uniquely laboratory-like conditions for this study, permitting examination of past changes in local climates and ecosystems along an island chain. The islands are situated along a latitudinal gradient extending from temperate Hokkaido Island (north of Japan) to subarctic Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia. Evidence of human...