Folsom (Other Keyword)

1-25 (46 Records)

Antelope Springs, CO, Debitage raw data, NG_MIE comparison (2024)
DATASET Uploaded by: Nicholas Gala

Data generated for NG's M.A. thesis for the debitage from the Antelope Springs site, CO. Includes measurements and notes taken by NG and MIE for inter-observer error comparisons. MIE's measurements and classifications taken to be more correct. For questions, contact NG by email.

Archeology's New Look, Public Production (1949)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Paul L. Cooper.

When the Congress of the United States authorized the Missouri River Basin Project, the foundation was laid for one of the largest archeological research programs in history. The authorization brought into being a plan to build some 105 dams and reservoirs on the main stem of the Missouri River and its tributaries in an area which had been the first, and is the present, home of the Plains Indians. The area abounds in village sites, tipi rings, campsites, slaughter pits, and other evidences of...

Augers.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Barger Gulch Coding Sheets.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Barger Gulch Locality B
PROJECT Uploaded by: Todd Surovell

Field and laboratory data for the Barger Gulch Archaeological Project. These data are to be published as a companion dataset to the book Barger Gulch: A Folsom Campsite in the Rocky Mountains (University of Arizona Press) by Todd Surovell.

Barger Gulch Locality B database (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

This database includes all field and laboratory data from the Barger Gulch Archaeological Project. It includes all field data from the excavation of Barger Gulch Locality B (5GA915), a Folsom site in Grand County, Colorado It also includes mapping of surface artifacts and auger data. Laboratory analysis data for all lithic artifacts recovered from excavations are also included as are radiocarbon dates from excavations. These data will be published as a companion dataset to the book Barger...

Barger Gulch Locality B Database Information (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Todd Surovell.

Description of tables, fields, and structure of Barger Gulch Locality B database.

Barger Gulch Locality B Database Structure (2020)
IMAGE Todd Surovell.

Screenshot from Microsoft Access of Barger Gulch Locality B database structure

Barger Gulch Locality B Excavation Manual (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Todd Surovell.

Excavation manual used in the field during the Barger Gulch Archaeological Project. It can be used as a reference guide for the table Barger Gulch Coding sheets in the Barger_Gulch_Locality_B database.

Barger Gulch Quad Classification.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Barger Gulch Surface Collection.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Beaver River Complex Contribution to Folsom Archaeology: An Update and Future Directions (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Leland Bement.

The Beaver River Complex (NW Oklahoma) of early Paleoindian (Clovis and Folsom) large-scale bison kill sites began contributing to our knowledge of Folsom hunting organization two decades ago with the identification, excavation, and analysis of the Cooper site. Since then a total of five Folsom kill components have been identified at three arroyo kill sites within a 700 m reach of the Beaver River. The most recently discovered site, Badger Hole, contains the youngest Folsom kill component of the...

Bifaces.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Boca Negra Wash: Investigating Activity Organization at a Shallowly Buried Folsom Camp in the Middle Rio Grande Valley of New Mexico (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bruce Huckell. Chris Merriman. Matthew O'Brien.

Shallow open-air Folsom sites in central New Mexico have been known for six decades, but have received little investigation; most are known only from surface collection. Their post-occupational geomorphic histories of erosional exposure and reburial, coupled with limited archaeological investigation, pose significant challenges to efforts to examine and interpret Folsom intra-site activity organization. We report on our efforts to detect and make sense of patterning in the distribution of...

Burned Bone.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Channel Flakes.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Clovis and Folsom from the Central Plains: Projectile point breakage, distributions, and material types as indicators of prehistoric land use and subsistence strategies (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brendon Asher.

Clovis and Folsom artifact distributions, particularly projectile points, are not homogenous throughout the Central Plains. Uneven artifact distributions are in part attributed to diverse land use and hunting techniques that resulted in distinct artifact breakage patterns. Lithic material use and transportation is also unique. These differences are partially driven by changing ecosystems during the terminal Pleistocene. Models of Clovis and Folsom land use are explored to account for the...

Clovis-Folsom Overlap at the La Prele Mammoth Site (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Madeline Mackie. Todd Surovell. Spencer Pelton. Robert Kelly. Matthew O'Brien.

This is an abstract from the "Three Sides of a Career: Papers in Honor of Robert L. Kelly" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The nature of the transition from Clovis to Folsom complexes has long been an area of interest for Pleistocene archaeologists in the West. While it has been hypothesized that Folsom was an innovation started during the Clovis time period there have been few clear cases of temporal overlap. A recent find at the La Prele Mammoth...

Cores.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Debitage.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Endscrapers Across the Folsom World (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua Boyd.

This paper explores variability in Folsom adaptive strategies by examining endscraper technology throughout the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. Common reconstructions based on highly curated projectile points and bifaces as well as presence of exotic raw material portray Folsom people as highly mobile and technologically organized in the sole pursuit of bison. Recent studies have begun questioning such a rigid perspective concerning Folsom life ways. Utilizing endscraper assemblages from...

Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives on Folsom Households (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Todd Surovell. Matthew O'Brien.

Over the few decades, households have been identified in a handful of Folsom sites. Although it should surprise no one that the Pleistocene inhabitants of North America built, lived in, and used domestic structures, it may be surprising we know relatively little about how those household spaces were organized. This problem is hardly unique to Folsom. It could be argued that this is true of hunter-gatherer household archaeology as a whole. Part of the difficulty we encounter in interpreting...

An Examination of Variation in Hafting Configuration Among Early Paleoindian Projectile Points (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Brian Snyder.

In this paper I use a combination of experimental replication, microscopic use wear analysis, and morphological analysis to investigate questions about the differences in hafting technology between Clovis, Folsom, and Midland projectile points. The transition from Clovis to Folsom culture is still poorly understood, and changes in hafting technology are part of the transition. In addition, the question of why fluted (Folsom) and unfluted (Midland) projectile point forms are found in the same...

Excavation Polygons.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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Excavation Units.csv (2020)
DATASET Todd Surovell.

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