Ice Age (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
I review the archaeological record of northern Eurasia and North America from 15,000 to 12,000 cal BP to better define the Clovis cultural complex and identify its most likely area and time of origin. Evidence including a clinal pattern of point style changes indicates migration southward and eastward through North America south of the ice sheets. Diagnostic attributes permit discrimination of early, middle and late Paleoindian assemblages. These data support a relatively simple and parsimonious...
How Archeological Investigations Have Affected Our Historical Knowledge (1954)
Archeological investigations have been in progress in the Missouri Basin for over half a century. These investigations have consisted of the locating, excavating and interpreting of the fragmentary evidence of human occupation in the Great Plains during the past 10,000 years. Such evidence includes the remains of prehistoric Indian villages, camps, burial grounds, quarries, pictographs and hunting spots. It also includes remnants of historic White military and trading posts. Relics of this long...