practice (Other Keyword)

1-18 (18 Records)

Abundance/Absence: Reframing Agency in African Diaspora Archaeology (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth Ibarrola.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Black Studies and Archaeology" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In her 1997 book Scenes of Subjection, writer Saidiya Hartman examined the possibilities for resistance and transformation manifest in Black performance and everyday practice both pre and post-emancipation. Her examination is couched in a deep skepticism of the usefulness and relevance of agency in the study of slave power, questioning what...

Adapting to Colonial Reality with Long-term History: The Evolution of 17th Century Indigenous Households along the Rappahannock River, Virginia (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Josue Nieves.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper summarizes all research findings pertaining to 2017-2018 Archaeological Excavations at Camden Farm, Virginia. The goal of the project was to seek out a previously unexcavated house site from within the property’s Post-Contact (1650-1720 A.D.) Rappahannock Indian village in order to analyze structural morphology and the suite of artifact assemblages relating to domestic...

Embracing the Ndee Past as the Present: Ndee Cultural Tenets as Practice (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Nicholas Laluk.

In 2004 the White Mountain Apache Tribe approved the Cultural Heritage Resources Best Management Practices (Welch et al.). However, since the tribe’s adoption of the practices little has been done in reference to the application of such tenets/concepts found within the guidelines. Tribal programs, contractors, and researcher’s might adhere to the guidelines during project activities but only as "guidelines," when there is much more embedded in such tenets as respect and avoidance that can be...

Emotional Practice and Perspectives on Emotion in the Archaeology of Childhood (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jane Baxter.

Childhood is a stage of life that engenders particularly empathetic and emotional responses from people, and those reactions affect how the topics of children and childhood are perceived, impact the individual(s) conducting research, and shape the ways we think about children as subjects. This paper is a wide ranging exploration of my experiences in the archaeological study of childhood, which includes both the role of emotion when interpreting childhood in the past and the emotional contexts of...

Examining History and Material Practice at George Washington’s Mount Vernon (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sean (1,2) Devlin.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Before, After, and In Between: Archaeological Approaches to Places (through/in) Time" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Historical archaeologists’ recent turn towards the consideration of temporality speaks directly to an interest in critically reflecting on the immanence of narrative historical events for daily practices within specific households or communities. George Washington’s Mount Vernon provides a...

Home Space: Mobility and Movement in the Creation of a Working-class Urban Landscape (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander D. Keim. Andrew Webster.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Boxed but not Forgotten Redux or: How I Learned to Stop Digging and Love Old Collections" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Historical archaeologists often interpret artifacts through the lens of household and family as the location for the development of practice and identity. Economic uncertainty for working-class households in historic urban contexts, however, meant that some families moved as many as...

In the trail of dancing lions: iconography and community on early Crete (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Anderson.

This paper examines the formulation of an early iconographic tradition on late third-early second millennium BCE Crete as a means of gaining insight on the development of a novel scale and variety of community ideology. During this period stamp seals began to be crafted from imported ivory and engraved with figural motifs involving lions, each belonging to a highly distinctive iconography reproduced across the island. These changes coincide with evidence of other social developments, including...

Investigating the Impact of Fish Weirs from the Bottom Up: A Perspective from the Southeast (USA) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ginessa Mahar.

Archaeological approaches to fish weirs in the southeastern United States have traditionally focused around issues of social complexity and resource intensification in the Mississippian period (post cal A.D. 1000). This pairing has limited our view of the antiquity of fish weirs and their socio-cultural impact beyond economics, subsistence, and politics—the assumption being that weirs were an answer to a problem of economic demand from the top down. However, a recent look into regional...

Material Encounters and Indigenous Transformations in Early Colonial El Salvador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only William Fowler. Jeb C. Card.

Mapping and excavations of the Conquest-period and early colonial site of Ciudad Vieja, the ruins of the first villa of San Salvador, El Salvador, afford a view of material culture encounters and indigenous transformations in northern Central America. The Ciudad Vieja archaeological research has focused on material culture encounters between Spanish and indigenous populations in the realms of landscape, architecture, technology, economy, society, and religion. The time span for Ciudad Vieja runs...

Materialized Landscapes of Practice: Exploring Native American Ceramic Variability in the Historic-Era Southeastern United States (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Worth.

Despite the fact that archaeological ceramics have long been viewed as a proxy for ethno-political identity, recent research exploring the precise relationship between ceramics and identity during the historic-era southeastern United States provides increasing support for the conclusion that geographic variability in archaeological ceramics is best viewed through the lens of practice, and that archaeological phases correspond better to communities of practice than communities of identity. When...

A Military Site Case Study of Agency and Practice (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Clouse.

This is an abstract from the "Military Sites" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The military is a hierarchically organized social network defined by rules and regulations, but it is through agency and practice that its structure is actuated. Despite expectations of conformity and uniformity of actions, significant variability in agency occurs. Agents in a military context possessed shared practice, evident in martial drills, use of weapons, and...

Moving Masca: Persistent Indigenous Communities in Spanish Colonial Honduras (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Russell N Sheptak.

In 1714, Candelaria, a pueblo de indios (indigenous town) in Spanish colonial Honduras, concluded a decades-long legal fight to protect community land from encroachment. Documents in the case describe the movement of the town, originally called Masca, from a site on the Caribbean coast, where it was located in 1536, to a series of inland locations. Many other pueblos de indios in the area moved to new locations in the late 1600s or early 1700s. The mobility of these towns, their incorporation...

Open eyes, open minds, open arms, and open hearts open archaeology (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only John Welch.

Archaeologists share formidable qualities of mind and temperament: observational acuity, organizational skill, perseverance. These are necessary, of course, in the sifting through of vast arrays of questions to address, evidence to harness, methods to deploy, and interpretive lenses to employ. Such rigor-making attributes may not, however, be sufficient for effective practice at hazy contacts among material pasts and intangible presents, for negotiating meanings and values out of that haze, or...

Parallel Practices: The importance of joining creative action and the sciences in the work and legacy of Diane Gifford Gonzalez. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Noah Thomas.

As a scholar, novelist and poet, Diane Gifford Gonzalez’s contribution to archaeology is proof that the pursuit of the arts as a personal endeavor enriches practice. Artistic practice fosters perception of associative relationships, develops a trust in the intuitive, and cultivates personal skill sets linking material media, form and meaning. In engaging in such parallel practices Gifford Gonzalez has fostered an approach to archaeology that has bridged the gap between positivist and post-modern...

Participation, Choice, and Institutional Change across the Eurasian Bronze Age (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Michael Frachetti.

This is an abstract from the "In Defense of Everything! Constructive Engagements with Graeber and Wengrow’s Provocative Contribution" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Theories of “complex social organization” have long linked institutional formations to increased concentrations of power, centralization, and inequality. However, for more than a decade, novel models of “non-uniform complexity”—wherein economic, social, ritual, and practical...

The Practice of Seasonal Mining: Chinese Gold Miners at Island Mountain, Nevada (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kyle Crebbin.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Arming the Resistance: Recent Scholarship in Chinese Diaspora Archaeology" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Island Mountain was established in northeastern Nevada between 1873 and 1918, following the discovery of placer gold deposits nearby. The community was populated in part by Chinese migrants, working in the employ of a European American mining company whose owner actively sought to hire, as well as...

Towards a Cumulative Practice: Reflections on the Influence of Marley R. Brown III (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Audrey Horning.

In 1999, Marley Brown defined his approach to historical archaeology as a 'cumulative practice marked by proper respect for the role of theory… but one which privileges the discovery of real and significant patterning in the archaeological record.’  Along with imposing intellectual rigour on archaeological interpretation, Marley has always sought new ways of discovering, recording, and ‘disciplining’ data, applying rigorous sampling methods; prioritizing environmental data; embracing GIS and...

What makes us beat? Toward a heart-centered practice in archaeological research (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kisha Supernant. Natasha Lyons.

Within the discipline of archaeology, we conventionally employ rational, science-based analyses to examine ancient cultures. Yet the lives of archaeological practitioners, contemporary descent communities, and the ancient peoples we study, are more than just minds and bodies. In this paper, we outline a framework for a heart-centered archaeological practice that draws from foundational literature on feminist, indigenous, and community-based archaeologies. We posit that a heart-centered...