Yokuts (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Beyond Boundaries: A Discussion of "out-of'place" Yokuts and Chumash Motifs (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Gorden. Devlin Gandy.

Rock art research by Grant (1965) and Heizer and Clewlow (1973) revealed the prolific number of painted images that Chumash and Yokuts cultures produced in South Central California. Previous research (ibid; Lee 1991; Grant 1979) often focused on defining distinctive stylistic components and elements that characterize and differentiate these respective traditions, and define their cultural boundaries. Borderland rock art sites such as Carneros Rocks and Painted Rock have become continued points...

Civil War Behind Mission San Luis Obispo 1813-1823 (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Marie C Duggan.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Chronicles of Colonialism: Unraveling Temporal Variability in Indigenous Experiences of Colonization in California Missions", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Through the economic lens, Missions I: 1769-1810 were different than Missions II: 1811-1834. In Missions I, production on missions was by and for native congregations, native people moved back and forth between the space of the unconverted and the...