Maya economy (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Kukulkcan's Realm: Urban Life at Ancient Mayapan (2014)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Marilyn A. Masson. Carlos Peraza Lope.

Kukulcan's Realm chronicles the fabric of socioeconomic relationships and religious practice that bound the Postclassic Maya city of Mayapán's urban residents together for nearly three centuries. Presenting results of ten years of household archaeology at the city, including field research and laboratory analysis, the book discusses the social, political, economic, and ideological makeup of this complex urban center. Masson and Peraza Lope's detailed overview provides evidence of a vibrant...

Understanding the local communities through the study of lithics and communication routes in the Northwestern Maya Lowlands during the Classic Maya: recent studies in the region. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Flavio Silva De La Mora. Rodrigo Liendo.

The region known as the Northwestern Maya Lowlands encloses a large geographic and cultural area that included and was part of a large system of exchange of goods, people and ideas. Archaeological evidence recovered in the region serve as evidence of the complex system of communication routes and local settlements that were part of local communities and practices. The communication routes and archaeological sites localized between the Usumacinta River and Tulija River serve as a case study of...