Obsidian Geochemical Sourcing (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Rimrock Draw Rockshelter is located along a relict stream channel in southeastern Oregon. The lithic assemblage includes Western Stemmed (WST) points; Northern Side-notched (NSN) points; and artifacts associated with fluting technology, such as fluted bifaces, fluting flakes, overshot flakes, and bifaces with overshot flake scars. NSN and WST distributions within the rockshelter have vertical and horizontal separations, indicating temporal and areal differences in site use occurred that can be...
Obsidian Access and Territoriality at the Upper Paleolithic Shimaki Site, Hokkaido, Japan (2015)
Although Hokkaido Japan boasts a rich concentration of obsidian resources, studies focusing on its role within Paleolithic hunter-gatherer subsistence and territorial systems are in their infancy as high-quality geochemical analysis is just emerging. Combining XRF geochemical obsidian sourcing analysis coupled with qualitative and quantitative data on individual artifacts, we are able to conduct fine-grained exploration of tool stone procurement, consumption, and use of an entire artifact...