Ecuador (Other Keyword)

26-34 (34 Records)

Prisons in the Galápagos? Digital Archaeology of the Penal Colony of Isabela (1946-1959) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fernando J Astudillo.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "In Small Islands Forgotten: Insular Historical Archaeologies of a Globalizing World", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Islands have been used by societies around the world to abandon, exile, or relocate people. In Latin America, an ambiguous sovereign status and the geographical remoteness of islands were used as the perfect place to create violent repressive institutions during the 19th and 20th centuries....

Results of Survey and Analysis of Manteño Archaeological Sites with Stone Structures in the Las Tusas River Valley, Rio Blanco, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Andres Garzon-Oechsle. Valentina Martínez.

The Manteño (1500 BP–1532) of coastal Ecuador are known for their long distance maritime trade networks along the Pacific coast of the Americas; they occupied a large territory that was geographically and environmentally diverse. This diversity allowed the Manteños to exploit a multitude of resources from each unique environment resulting in distinct settlement patterns for each region. One of the least known of these occupied environments and the focus of this paper is the cloud forest of the...

Ritual and Productive Activities in the Mound-Top Structure at Buen Suceso (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Sarah Rowe. Camila Jara Rodríguez. Kepler Dimas. Zindy Cruz.

This is an abstract from the "Finding Community in the Past and Present through the 2022 PARCC Field School at Buen Suceso, Ecuador" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Three seasons of excavation at Buen Suceso have identified a series of occupation floors in the area of the site referred to as Unit 6. This area is also the highest at the site, suggesting the existence of a mound or an augmented rise that was utilized during the Valdivia period. This...

Settlement Patterns Study in the Lake San Pablo Area, Northern Highland Ecuador: Preliminary Results (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maria-Auxiliadora Cordero. Esteban Acosta. Paulina Rosero.

The project "Cultural and Technological Principles Associated with Occupation Modalities during the Integration Period: Value and Use in Present Day Ecuador", carried out by the INPC (National Institute of Cultural Heritage of Ecuador) and funded by SENESCYT (Ecuador’s Department of Science and Technology) has researched five areas of the country, including in the Otavalo Canton. This paper presents the preliminary results of a survey, conducted with the collaboration of community members, from...

Sites of Difficult Memory: The Haciendas of Chimborazo, Ecuador (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ross Jamieson.

From the 17th century until the land reforms of the last fifty years, hacienda agriculture dominated the highland region surrounding Chimborazo, Ecuador.  Many of the central building complexes of these operations now stand as ruins on the landscape.  Through interviews, historical research, and site survey, I explore the role that these ruins play as silent witnesses to a difficult past for rural indigenous communities today.

Tabuchila Ceramics of the Jama River Valley, Manabí, Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Corey Herrmann.

Archaeological excavations by the Proyecto-Paleoetnobotánico Río Jama (PAPRJ) in the Jama River Valley of northern Manabí, Ecuador, have established a cultural chronology spanning over three millennia of prehispanic occupation. One of these occupations, the Tabuchila Complex of the Late Formative Period (1000 BC – 500 BC), remains poorly understood. Excavations at three sites in the Jama Valley in the 1990s recovered ceramic, lithic, obsidian, paleobotanical, archaeofaunal, and human skeletal...

To the ends of the Earth: European Tablewares in El Progreso, Galápagos (1880-1904) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Fernando Astudillo. Ross W. Jamieson.

In 1878 Manuel J. Cobos founded a large-scale agricultural operation on the island of San Cristóbal, Galápagos. A merchant from the Ecuadorian coast, Cobos’ El Progreso operation, with 300 labourers at its peak, produced sugar, cane alcohol, leather, and a variety of other agricultural products exported to the city of Guayaquil on the Ecuadorian mainland. His home was several days sailing from Guayaquil to San Cristóbal, and 8 km uphill by oxcart or on horseback to the interior of the island....

A View from the Hinterlands: Early Colonial Objects in Mortuary Contexts in Northern Highland Ecuador (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tamara Bray.

In this paper I re-visit a particularly interesting find made in the Pimampiro District of northern highland Ecuador a number of years ago. It consisted of a traditional shaft tomb burial that contained an unusual assemblage of items, which included seemingly obvious Late Period Caranqui and Panzaleo wares together with a set of four Nueva Cadiz beads. How and why did these precious European objects penetrate this seemingly remote region at such an early date to be inserted into such a basic...

Working toward Collective Benefit? Reflections on Community Based Participatory Research in Cangahua, Ecuador (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Zev Cossin. Ariel Charro. Jane Poss. Siobhan Boyd.

This is an abstract from the "Working with the Community in Ecuador" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Pambamarca Archaeological Project (PAP) has conducted research in the Cayambe region of Ecuador for nearly two decades. In that time, PAP has trained scores of national and international students and actively incorporated local community stakeholders in efforts like the development of small-scale heritage tourism projects. It became clear that...