technological transfers (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
This paper explores from an archaeological, anthropological, and archaeometric standpoint the relationships between two early states in Andean prehistory: the Moche of the North Coast (AD 400 - 850) and the Wari of the Southern Highlands of Peru (AD 600 – 1,000.) In spite of many theoretical models that have been proposed to explain the nature of this relationship, little attention has been paid to analyzing the material expressions of such interaction. This paper focuses on one such expression...
Space-Time Perspectives on Early Colonial Moquegua (2013)
In this rich study of the construction and reconstruction of a colonized landscape, Prudence M. Rice takes an implicit political ecology approach in exploring encounters of colonization in Moquegua, a small valley of southern Peru. Building on theories of spatiality, spatialization, and place, she examines how politically mediated human interaction transformed the physical landscape, the people who inhabited it, and the resources and goods produced in this poorly known area. Space-Time...