Longshan (Other Keyword)
1-8 (8 Records)
Description of the abbreviations used in the Taosi and Zhouijazhuang faunal databases
Interpretation of Burial M33 at the Longshan Site of Liangchengzhen (2015)
A relatively rich burial, M33, was excavated in 2000 at the late prehistoric, Longshan period center of Liangchengzhen by a collaborative team from Shandong University, The Field Museum, and Yale University. The most unusual grave good was a turquoise artifact located on the left arm of the interred. This presentation provides a description of contextual, use-wear, comparative and replication analyses in order to better understand the nature of the turquoise artifact and the burial ritual for...
Liangchengzhen Consumption Patterns: Moving from Integrative to Competitive (2017)
Patterns of food consumption are intimately linked to economy, social organization, culture, and identity. This study investigated patterns of food consumption across space and time at Liangchengzhen, a Longshan (ca. 2600-1900 B.C.) site located in Shandong Province, China. It was hypothesized that evidence of increasing social inequality with respect to food consumption would be found from early to late phases. Rice and meat from mammals, especially pigs, were hypothesized as the most likely...
Taosi Age Data (2015)
Dental and epiphyseal fusion data for sheep, pigs, and cattle at Taosi
Taosi Faunal Database (2015)
Raw faunal data, bone charts, and contextual data for Longshan period Taosi
Zhoujiazhuang Age Data (2015)
Dental and epiphyseal fusion data for sheep, pigs, and cattle at Zhoujiazhuang
Zhoujiazhuang Faunal Database (2015)
Raw faunal data, bone charts, and contextual data for Longshan period Zhoujiazhuang
Zooarchaeology of Longshan Period Taosi and Zhoujiazhuang, Shanxi Province, China
Zooarchaeological data from: Brunson, K. 2015. Craft Specialization and Animal Products at the Longshan Period Sites of Taosi and Zhoujiazhuang, Shanxi Province, China. PhD dissertation, University of California Los Angeles. Dissertation Abstract: The late third millennium BCE was a period of technological and cultural change in China’s Yellow River valley. Domestic cattle and sheep were introduced into China from West Asia during this period, marking a shift in the zooarchaeological...