Lithic Microwear (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Blind-Testing, Post-Depositional Damage, and Lithic Microwear: Results of Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses Using Optical Microscopy and Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only W. James Stemp. Adrian A. Evans.

The increasing adoption of approaches to lithic microwear analysis based on metrology and tribology by archaeologists has provided opportunities to revisit unresolved issues associated with microwear method, such as wear formation processes, the exclusivity of polishes derived from different worked materials, and, as presented in this paper, post-depositional damage and the accuracy and reliability of microwear analysis. In this paper, we discuss the results of blind-tests performed on chipped...

Representative Samples and Method Calibration for Lithic Microwear Interpretation frameworks (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adrian Evans.

This paper builds on discussion of combined blind-test datasets for lithic microwear analysis method previously presented by the author (Evans 2014). A large randomly sampled assemblage, from the Mesolithic site of West Stainton in England, was analysed using traditional microwear analysis. The size of the assemblage may allow an investigation of variation of tool function within different classes. However predicted error rates from the combined blind-test dataset were used in monte carlo and...