Orinoco (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
The Culebra and Ronquin Paleosols and Their Vessel Assemblages William P. Barse Rim sherds from the Culebra and Ronquin sites along the Orinoco River reflect a broadly- shared range of common vessel shapes. The suite of bowls, jars, platters and other shape categories reflect the existence of a common household repertoire of vessels used in food serving, storage and preparation activities. This presentation reviews the commonalities in the range of vessel shapes recovered from secure,...
Orinocan Prehistory and its Wider Relationships (2017)
The archeological sequence developed in the Upper Orinoco in the vicinity of the Atures Rapids has not only local continuity through time but exhibits broader relationships with northern South America. The earliest preceramic components in the region, dated to ca. 10,000 BP, can be linked to comparable occupations that have been documented in the Sabana de Bogota. Slightly later preceramic components represented by distinctive contracting stemmed projectile points show links to sites in central...