Porcelain Dish (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Coronado Generating Station, Private Lands, Apache County, Arizona: Final Report for Archaeological Investigations of Proposed Drill Hole Locations in T13N, R28E, Sec. 24, East of St. Johns (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Bradford.

At the request of Salt River Project, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted archaeological investigations in two 200 ft. wide corridors east-northeast of St. Johns, Arizona. Archaeological survey was conducted in order to determine if any archaeological material would be negatively impacted as a result of drilling operations related to tests being conducted for construction of an evaporation pond associated with the Coronado Generating Station plant site. An extensive historic and prehistoric...

An Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Thunderstone Training Center, Mesa, Maricopa County, Arizona (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Walter R. Punzmann.

Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. conducted a cultural resource survey of a proposed Salt River Project (SRP) training center at the request of Dr. Judy Brunson of SRP. The survey was performed to provide an inventory and assessment of the cultural resources that might be affected by the proposed construction. Two relatively recent sites consisting of several discrete surficial trash dumps were identified. Both sites are not considered to be significant.