Flaked Basalt (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Analysis and Interpretive Plan for Hiram M. Chittenden Locks, Seattle, Washington. The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks are presented with rich opportunities in creating a learning experience for visitors, as the site provides a variety of equally valid themes for interpretation. Statistical Research, Inc., recommends an interpretive program that consists of a self-service system of communication, including indoor and outdoor exhibits, publications, and electronic media. This system is appropriate...
Preliminary Report: Archaeological Reconnaissance Survey for Proposed OMNI Antenna, Bellows Air Force Station, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii (1986)
Archaeological field investigations were initiated on October 24, 1986 and completed on November 3, 1986 for a total of 5 field days. The proposed OMNI antenna site is to be situated within the abandoned runway area of Bellows Air Force Station. A number of other antennae are presently located throughout the runway area. In order to locate the boundaries of the antenna pad and cable trench alignment, it was necessary to compute bearings from the engineering map and then shoot these in with a...