Creativity (Other Keyword)
1-4 (4 Records)
This is an abstract from the "Crafting Archaeological Practice in Africa and Beyond: Celebrating the Contributions of Ann B. Stahl to Global Archaeology" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Ann Stahl continues to produce a rich, and provocative scholarship, one that has inspired scholars across regions and generations. She has long positioned herself within "intellectual crosscurrents," drawing on literature from a wide range of disciplines. Most...
Individual Creativity, Instrumental Symbolism, and the Constituents of Social Identity Construction (2013)
This presentation applies theories concerning the role of individual creativity and innovation, modes of symbolic expression, and formation of social group identities to analyze the past creation and use of material expressions of symbols within the diasporas of particular African cultures. Utilizing archaeological and historical evidence, I explore the divergent ways these creative processes played out at sites in South America, the Caribbean, and North America. The perseverance and creativity...
Introduction: Entangling Artisanal and Industrial Work in Archaeologies of Creativity (2013)
This paper begins with an overview of various scholarships of human creativity, with an eye toward archaeological discourses. The author then turns to a contrasting pair of nineteenth-century case studies: pottery manufacture in Utah and milling copper ore in Michigan. These two workplaces, both built and staffed by immigrants, were fundamentally attached to global flows and relations, despite their frontier settings. In one case, factory workers became artisans; while in the other,...
The Origin of Human Creativity (2017)
The recent discovery of cave paintings in Sulawesi dating to at least 40,000 years ago has altered our understanding of the origins and spread of the first painting traditions. This suggests that either rock art developed independently in Europe and Southeast Asia at about the same time, or that our species invented this trait prior to its initial expansion from Africa. Here I will discuss the implication of this discovery as well as new evidence from Borneo with the aim to deepen our knowledge...