digital data collection (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Syntheses of archaeological data have the potential to expand knowledge of the past and to advance public policy. For syntheses to be successful, they must include CRM data and must involve collaboration of CRM and academic archaeologists. By promoting data access and synthetic research, ACRA will effectively promote synergy between the academy and the CRM industry. Representing the industry, ACRA will encourage federal agencies at all levels to fulfill their legal responsibilities to make...
The Digital Evolution at Chan Chich, Belize (2017)
In 2012, the Chan Chich Archaeological Project transitioned from paper field forms to a relational database on iPads in the field and an iMac in the laboratory. Since then, the database has evolved each season, becoming more powerful and more useful with each modification. The project has also adopted Structure from Motion as a standard method for documenting excavations over the past three seasons. The digital revolution has not been without its difficulties, but the evolution of the database...