Digital Data Methods and Techniques (Other Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Archaeological Science, Archaeology of Science: Tools for Closing the Gap between Practice and Ideals (2018)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ben Marwick.

Computational methods are increasingly being used by archaeologists and appearing in archaeological science journals. But does this make archaeology more or less scientific? On one hand, computers are anti-science because they are often used as black boxes. On the other hand, many computational tools enable unprecedented transparency of the analytical workflow. I briefly review how archaeological science has recently been defined and how the practice compares to the ideals. I then evaluate these...

Enhancing Data Comparability and Enabling Synthesis with tDAR (the Digital Archaeological Record) (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Keith Kintigh. Francis McManamon. Katherine Spielmann.

The ability to easily compare and synthesize research results can have a huge impact on the productivity of a scientific research community. Meaningful comparisons across data sets created by different investigators demand both adequate documentation of the data semantics and the capacity to represent the data sets within a common schema. For research going forward, the adoption of standard terminologies and analytical procedures minimizes key problems of data comparability. Less obviously,...

Online and In-person Professional Training for Archaeological Data Management and Digital Curation (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Francis McManamon.

This presentation describes a series of professional training workshops created by the Center for Digital Antiquity that are designed to introduce archaeologists to the basic aspects of managing and curating digital archaeological data. In the last quarter century, the creation and use of digital data in archaeological investigations has become routinely. Documents, images, data sets, and geospatial data in modern archaeology are now nearly always in digital formats. Research projects, CRM...