Maritime Archeology (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Interpreting What Cannot Be Seen: The Challenges of Developing Public Outreach for an Inaccessible Site. (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Charles Lawson. Joshua L. Marano.

In regards to the protection of cultural sites, the National Park Service’s mandate requires the agency to preserve resources for the betterment of future generations. Decades of restricted access and recent stabilization activities completed at the HMS Fowey shipwreck have effectively closed archeological access to it for the discernible future. While the National Park Service did not come lightly to the decision to physically remove access from the site, it is only after several decades of...

Not on an Even Keel: An Archeological Investigation and Interpretation of the Structural Remains of HMS Fowey (1748). (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joshua L. Marano.

One of the primary objectives of the expanded archeological testing of the HMS Fowey shipwreck site was to gather the information necessary to define the extent of future stabilization efforts at the site. Given the substantial loss of archeological material since the site’s initial discovery in 1978, the evaluation and documentation of the surviving intact hull structure was paramount. In addition to providing a thorough documentation of the archeological remains of the surviving structural...