Turquoise; Social Identity (Other Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Artifact Attributes: All Analyzed (Non-Mortuary) Specimens (2017)
DATASET Saul L. Hedquist.

Appendix A of Hedquist's dissertation, A Colorful Past: Turquoise and Social Identity in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region, A.D. 1275–1400.

Associated Materials, Non-Mortuary Deposits: Bailey Ruin, Grasshopper Pueblo, Homol'ovi I, and Rattlesnake Point (2017)
DATASET Saul L. Hedquist.

Appendix B of Hedquist's dissertation, A Colorful Past: Turquoise and Social Identity in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region, A.D. 1275–1400.

A Colorful Past: Turquoise and Social Identity in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region, A.D. 1275–1400 (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Saul L. Hedquist.

Turquoise is synonymous with the U.S. Southwest, occurring naturally in relative abundance and culturally prized for millennia. As color and material, turquoise is fundamental to the worldviews of numerous indigenous groups of the region, with notable links to moisture, sky, and personal and familial vitality. For Pueblo groups in particular, turquoise and other blue-green minerals hold a prominent place in myth, ritual, aesthetics, and cosmology. They continue to be used as important offerings,...

A Colorful Past: Turquoise and Social Identity in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region, A.D. 1275–1400
PROJECT Saul L. Hedquist.

Turquoise is synonymous with the U.S. Southwest, occurring naturally in relative abundance and culturally prized for millennia. As color and material, turquoise is fundamental to the worldviews of numerous indigenous groups of the region, with notable links to moisture, sky, and personal and familial vitality. For Pueblo groups in particular, turquoise and other blue-green minerals hold a prominent place in myth, ritual, aesthetics, and cosmology. They continue to be used as important offerings,...

Isotopic Measurement for Analyzed Samples and Inferred Geologic Sources (2017)
DATASET Saul L. Hedquist.

Appendix D of Hedquist's dissertation, A Colorful Past: Turquoise and Social Identity in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region, A.D. 1275–1400.