Calusa (Other Keyword)

1-5 (5 Records)

Considering Architecture and Urbanism at Mound Key, the Capital of the Calusa during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victor Thompson.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archaeology/Architecture", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 1566, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés arrived at Mound Key, the capital of the Calusa kingdom. What he saw there was unlike anything else he would encounter in La Florida, a capital teaming with people and complex architecture that was essentially a terraformed anthropogenic island constructed mostly of mollusk shells situated in the middle of Estero Bay....

Discovering San Antón de Carlos: the Sixteenth Century Spanish Buildings and Fortifications of Mound Key, Capital of the Calusa (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victor Thompson. Amanda D. Roberts Thompson. William Marquardt. Karen J. Walker. Lee A. Newsom.

In 1566, Pedro de Menéndez de Aviles arrived at the capital of the Calusa kingdom. During that same year Menéndez issued the order to construct fort San Antón de Carlos, which was occupied until 1569. This fort was also the location of the first Jesuit mission (1567) in what is now the United States. We now can confirm, what archaeologists and historians suspected, that the location of the fort and the capital of the Calusa was the site of Mound Key (8LL2), located in Estero Bay in southwestern...

Late Holocene Oyster Reef Development and Its Impact on Calusa Natural Resource Utilization, Estero Bay, Southwest Florida (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha Gibson. Kylie Palmer. Sasha Linsin Wohlpart. Michael Savarese. Karen Walker.

The Horseshoe Keys are an extensive oyster reef ecosystem within manageable paddling distance from Mound Key, Estero Bay, Southwest Florida, the site of the Calusa’s political center beginning ~AD950. The Calusa thrived in this bay, partially due to the natural resources available, including these oyster reefs. Sediment cores from this region show a rich history of reef development dating to ~2200 yBP. The reefs exhibit an ecological succession shifting from a vermetiform gastropod community to...

The Society of Jesus in the Kingdom of the Calusa (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Victor Thompson.

This is an abstract from the "Jesuit Missions, Plantations, and Industries" session, at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In 1567, the Jesuit Juan Rogel traveled to Calos, the capital of the Calusa kingdom. We now know that the capital was the archaeological site of Mound Key, located in Estero Bay, Florida. There, Juan Rogel interacted with Calusa kings and other inhabitants of the capital. This would be the first of several outposts setup by the Spanish...

The Under-Represented Mullet in SW Florida’s Archaeological Assemblages (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Karen Walker. William Marquardt. Victor Thompson. Michael Savarese. Chris Walser.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Mullets (Mugil spp.), especially the striped mullet (Mugil cephalus), because of their predictable mass-schooling behavior, are obvious candidates as having been surplus food for the socio-politically complex, Calusa fisher-gatherer-hunters. Moreover, López de Velasco, writing in about 1570, stated that there was in southwest Florida waters a "great fishery of...