Speleothem Analysis (Other Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

Incensarios, Copal, and Speleothems: Interpreting the Function of Chultun 3 at Mul Ch'en Witz (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Neil Kohanski. Toni Gonzalez. Samantha Lorenz.

Chultunes are ubiquitous throughout the southern Maya lowlands, but their function is still under debate. A central problem in the interpretation of these subterranean features is the paucity of artifacts recovered from within them. Within Chultun 3 at Mul Ch’en Witz, an area located within the larger site of La Milpa in northwestern Belize, several artifacts suggesting ritual activity were encountered. These artifacts include an intact vessel, an incensario, burnt jute, fire-affected limestone,...