International Property Protection (Other Keyword)

1-9 (9 Records)

DoD Cultural Heritage Playing Cards for Afghanistan - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie Rush.

This poster displays images of playing cards distributed to inform Service members of cultural resources within Afghanistan.

In-Theater Heritage Training: Briefing Script - Script (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie Rush.

This document is a script for in-theater heritage training concerning archaeological sites and sacred places in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is a basic briefing appropriate for all deploying military personnel.

OCONUS Data Layer for Cultural Resources: A Feasibility Study (Legacy 05-266)
PROJECT Carla Van West.

This study developed and partially populated a cultural resources database and a GIS data layer for Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) regions where DoD personnel are deployed; assessed the depth, breadth, and availability of needed OCONUS culture resource information; and made recommendations concerning how to efficiently and effectively develop these OCONUS cultural resource data layers in future efforts.

OCONUS Data Layer for Cultural Resources: A Feasibility Study - Presentation (Legacy 05-266) (2005)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carla Van West.

This study developed and partially populated a cultural resources database and a GIS data layer for Outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) regions where DoD personnel are deployed; assessed the depth, breadth, and availability of needed OCONUS culture resource information; and made recommendations concerning how to efficiently and effectively develop these OCONUS cultural resource data layers in future efforts.

Respect Afghan Heritage - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie Rush.

A poster promoting supporting the mission and showing respect for heritage resource preservation in Afghanistan.

Respect Egyptian Heritage - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie Rush.

A poster promoting supporting the mission and showing respect for heritage resource preservation in Egypt.

Respect Iraqi and Afghan Heritage - Poster (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie Rush.

A poster promoting supporting the mission and showing respect for heritage resource preservation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Training for In-Theater Cultural Resources Protection (Legacy 06-324)
PROJECT Laurie Rush.

This project considered preservation of archeological sites and cultural properties in military theaters of operation that is becoming increasingly essential to the mission.

Training for In-Theater Cultural Resources Protection: Training Assets Construction Specifications - Report (Legacy 06-324) (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Laurie Rush.

A report on the consideration for preservation of archeological sites and cultural properties in military theaters of operation that is becoming increasingly essential to the mission. The attached specifications offer quick solutions for construction of training assets that replicate a variety of cultural properties that our personnel may encounter overseas.