Cotton Bowl (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Randolph Air Force Base Project Metadata
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Randolph Air Force Base cultural heritage resources collection.

Randolph Air Force Base Wingspread Newspaper Clippings (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jennifer Valentin. Felix R. McKnight. Dan Trotta. Dave Jones.

Various Wingspread newspaper clippings regarding Randolph Air Force Base, including: - "Randolph Named Landmark" by Jennifer Valentin (2001) - "The Eighth Annual Cotton Bowl" by Felix R. McKnight (1944?) - "Football Tribute to Past Team: 65th Annual Cotton Bowl Celebrates Randolph Ramblers" by Jennifer Valentin (2001) - "Criticism Builds Over Randolph Remodeling" by Dan Trotta - "Taj Hits Half-Century Mark" (1981) - "Lt. Clark Created the Taj" by SSgt. Dave Jones (1981)