Tree Clearing (Other Keyword)
1-2 (2 Records)
Summary of archaeological investigations in support of proposed tree clearing in the Tennessee Army National Guard (TNARNG) drop zone field, which is part of the area licensed from Arnold Air Force Base. Investigations included a review of the existing site records, visual inspection and shovel testing. The records search indicated two sites are located within one mile of the project area but neither were impacted by the present undertaking. Visual inspection and shovel testing show that the...
Final Abbreviated Environmental Assessment for the Removal of Obstructions to Instrument Landing System: North Approach to West Runway at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland (1997)
The Abbreviated Environmental Assessment of the potential environmental impacts of planned tree cutting near the Andrews Air Force Base runway. This report contains a cultural component listing the only impact being the loss of integrity of the Suitland Parkway's scenic landscape. Additionally, correspondence from the National Park Service, the Maryland Historic Trust (MD SHPO), Prince George's County Government Office of Central Services, and others commenting on the proposed tree cutting...