Camp Dix (Other Keyword)

1-2 (2 Records)

Cultural Resource Assessment and Management Recommendations Report, McGuire Air Force Base, Burlington and Camden Counties, New Jersey (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Bertram Herbert. Robert Grumet.

Phase IA cultural resources reconnaissance survey of McGuire Air Force Base (MAFB) and five off-site properties associated with McGuire Air Force Base. Identified five areas of archaeological sensitivity within MAFB recommended for further study: Pointville area, Larkins Run southeast of the MAFB airfield, South Run within the MAFB airfield infield, one mile north of Pointville, and South Run within the Falcon Creek golf course. Identified potentially significant cultural resources at BOMARC...

Phase IA Cultural Resources Background Study for the Logistics Facility Warehouse Project. Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst. Burlington County, New Jersey. (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Ann Keen. Benjamin Lipke.

The report completed a review of previous cultural resources studies and archaeological and historic architectural within 0.25 mile of the proposed logistics facility project area. No archaeological sites were identified within the archaeological APE. Due to prior disturbances, lack of soil integrity, and absence of previously recorded historic properties, HDR recommends no further cultural resources work within the archaeological and architectural APE. The report identified 23 previously...