Landform Characterization (Other Keyword)
1-3 (3 Records)
The application of a geoarchaeological perspective in conjunction with known culture history, archaeological survey, remote sensed data, and a geographic information system has produced a workable model for predicting the likelihood of encountering archaeological sites, and the degree of site visibility, on the Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico. The results of this project, though no substitute for on-the-ground archaeological survey, provides the managers of Melrose Air Force Range a means...
Melrose Air Force Range Resources
Project metadata for resources within the Melrose Air Force Range cultural heritage resources collection.
Report on Geoarchaeological Analysis and Landform Characterization of the Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico (1997)
Report on Geoarchaeological Analysis and Landform Characterization of the Melrose Air Force Range, New Mexico. Third Quarterly Report, April 1, 1996 - April 1, 1997