two-track (Other Keyword)

1-3 (3 Records)

Melrose Air Force Range Resources
PROJECT Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Project metadata for resources within the Melrose Air Force Range cultural heritage resources collection.

SHPO Concurrence about Melrose AFR Project to Improve, Widen, and Maintain Two-track Road (2013)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project to improve, widen, and maintain an existing two-track Road. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.

SHPO Concurrence Regarding Melrose AFR Project to Construct a Service Road (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

Letters to the New Mexico State Historic Preservation Office requesting consultation on Melrose AFR project to construct a service road using existing two-track Roads. Includes stamp from SHPO giving concurrence.