capacocha (Other Keyword)

1-1 (1 Record)

The Origins of the Capacocha Victims: Results of Stable Isotope Analyses of Individuals Sacrificed at Ampato, Misti, and Pichu Pichu Volcanos (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Dagmara Socha. Ricardo Fernandes. Ruddy Chávez Perea.

This is an abstract from the "Ritual Violence and Human Sacrifice in the Ancient Andes: New Directions in the Field" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Capacocha was one of the most important rituals performed in the Inca Empire and involved the sacrifice of children and young women. The victims were selected from the provincial elite based on their beauty and health. They were gathered from across the Empire and brought to the capital, Cusco, in...