Interaction (Other Keyword)
1-25 (46 Records)
During the Final Neolithic (4500-3200 BCE) there appears to have been a major restructuring in the regional settlement networks of southern Greece. This included a general shift in activity from the north to the south with a significant increase in the number of of small, short lived sites in southern Greece, particularly in coastal locations. Trade and exchange also appears to have intensified, with exotic materials moved further and more frequently than in previous periods. Alepotrypa Cave,...
Assessing Mobility and Social Interactions through Integrated Analyses of Complicated Stamped Pottery in the American Southeast (2015)
In the Deep South of the American Southeast, regional scale social interactions burgeoned alongside the growth of nucleated villages, widespread mound-building projects, and conspicuous mortuary ceremonialism during the Middle and Late Woodland period (ca. AD 100 to 800). A premier material for understanding the significance of social interactions across the southern landscape comes from Swift Creek Complicated Stamped pottery, a ubiquitous class of material culture that provides direct evidence...
The Assumption of Insular Marginality: The Curious Case of Isla Cedros, Baja California (2015)
What about islands inspires us to think of them as places on ‘the edge?’ The idea of an island is often more remote than the reality. The word itself conjures up notions of loneliness and isolation. Some islands are inextricably linked, to other islands and/or the adjacent mainland, while the nonpareil isolation of Rapa Nui is legendary. Lying off the Pacific Coast of Baja California, Isla Cedros presents a strange combination of these factors. The island supported a large resident...
The Bajio (Guanajuato/Michoacan) during Epiclassic: Cultural Assertion and Macro-regional Interaction (2015)
In the North-Center region of Mexico, the Bajio knew its peak of populating during Epiclassic period. From the Preclassic background of the Chupicuaro Culture, emerges a rich ceramic and architectural tradition. Following the fall of Teotihucan, the Bajio covers itself with extensive networks of sites organized around ceremonial centers where appear frequently sunken patios and I shape ballcourts. The ceramic is nevertheless far from being uniform, denoting a will of cultural assertion for each...
Big Picture History in North America: Integrating Narratives of Our Continent’s Past (2017)
No society exists in isolation. In order to understand the history of North America it is therefore critical to see the continent as a landscape of mutually known and interacting places and peoples. One of the goals of this panel is to bring together specialists from different corners of the continent to share narratives of regional interaction in their areas. This paper will introduce the thematic and theoretical groundings for the session, suggesting that both systemic and historical models...
The Black Sea as a Fluid Frontier: Connectivity, Integration, and Disarticulation from the Fourth to First Millennium BCE (2017)
Recent years have witnessed increasing scholarly attention to the Black Sea, a region often considered peripheral to better known "cores" of cultural activity, such as the Mediterranean, Europe, the Near East, and even the Caucasus. Challenging conventional views of the Black Sea as largely disarticulated prior to the arrival of Greek colonists in the 7th Century BCE, this paper argues that ongoing, informal networks of interaction existed across the region during the previous millennia,...
Breaking from the Tradition of Central Plains Archaeology: Collected Papers Concerning the Central Plains Tradition (1981)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
Cakhay: A Strategic Classic Center in the Kaq’chik’el Maya Area (2018)
Archaeological survey of Cakhay, the largest Classic site (200-800 A.D.) in the Maya Kaq’chik’el area, was carried out in 2017 by the Proyecto Arqueológico del Área Kaq’chik’el (PAAK). The goal of the survey was to determine the limits of the site and survey its periphery. Reconnaissance of 20 sq km found that populations were nucleated on the hillside surrounding the defensive and religious center with some look out sites in the periphery. Within the center and the nucleus of the site,...
Christopher Columbus, New Seville And The Taino Village Of Maima In Jamaica (2016)
Stranded in Jamaica for a year in 1503/1504, Christopher Columbus and crew became reliant on the Taino village of Maima for provisions. Knowledge of this and other Taino villages on the Jamaican north coast near present day St Anns Bay led to the establishment of New Seville, a 1509 Spanish colony. With introduced disease, Spanish/Taino conflict and forced labour under encomienda, Taino peoples were all but annihilated by 1534 when New Seville was abandoned. Recent archaeological survey and...
Coastal-Highland Interaction in Early Formative Period Mesoamerica: The Ceramic Affiliations of La Consentida (2018)
Early Formative period pottery from the site of La Consentida in coastal Oaxaca, Mexico, bears indications of both local developments and interregional influences. In previous papers, I have presented stylistic evidence for interaction between La Consentida and potters from distant West Mexican traditions such as Capacha and Opeño. While some of La Consentida’s decorated Tlacuache phase vessels suggest involvement in a system of long-distance interaction along Mesoamerica’s Pacific coast, more...
Coming Together: Evidence of Ritual and Public Space as a Mechanism of Social Integration (2015)
Structure 16 at the Morton Village site (11F2) provides a unique opportunity to examine social interactions between Oneota and Mississippian populations situated within the Central Illinois River Valley. Prior to our work, the nature of these interactions at this site was poorly understood. Burgeoning data supports our interpretation of a cohabitation at Morton Village between these populations following Oneota in-migration. A method of this integration is demonstrated through ritualistic...
Continuity and Change in the Middle Woodland Occupation of the Northwest Alabama Uplands (1988)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at [email protected].
Cultural Interaction and Cultural Change in the Peruvian Central Highland Valley of Ayacucho (2015)
Human societies are not isolated islands; instead, they are part of a complex web that links them with distant communities who are not only culturally different, but also inhabit different environmental settings. In the distant past, cultural interaction was a window that enabled the exposure to previously unknown cultural customs and the flow of ideas, in addition to access to foreign exotic goods and the establishment of new kinship ties. Contact with more complex societies and important...
Cultural interaction and Fueguian Islands archaeology: discussing Middle and Late Holocene (50º-55º South Latitude, Chile) (2017)
The Fueguian archipelago, dominated by three mayor islands, namely Tierra del Fuego, Dawson and Navarino, is located namely at southernmost end of South America and was peopled by hunter-gatherer societies from c. 10.500 BP to the 20th century. Sea coastline areas have evidence of specialized marine adaptation since c. 7.000 BP, including navigation. Ethnohistoric and ethnographic records account for an overlapping network area of three groups: Selk'nam land hunters and Alacalufe or Kawésqar...
Dynamics of Interaction and Integration between the Tawantinsuyu and the Local Populations of the Kollasuyu: Contributions from the Mediterranean Valleys of Central Chile (2016)
This paper aims to contribute to a critical analysis of the dynamics of interaction and integration between the Incas and the local populations in the Kollasuyu based on the results of research projects carried out during the last decades in the valleys of Aconcagua, Maipo, and Mapocho in the Mediterranean area of the western slope of the Andes. The collected records point to complex processes of acceptance, rejection and differential integration of local populations with respect to the...
An Early Horizon temple in the Tierra del Mercurio: Preliminary results from Atalla, Huancavelica, Peru (2015)
This presentation will put forward the preliminary results of the first season of the Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Atalla. The project represents a first step in clarifying the role of the Early Horizon period site of Atalla, located in the district of Yauli, region of Huancavelica, in the south-central highlands of Peru. Atalla is of particular archaeological interest as the earliest recorded monumental ceremonial site in the region of Huancavelica. The site is also distinguished by...
From Near and Far: Application of Archaeometric Techniques to Characterize Regional and Long-Distance Interaction at the Formative Period Center of Atalla, Peru (2018)
This paper investigates the role of interregional interaction in the development of social complexity in the Central Andes during the Late Initial (c.1100-800 BC) and Early Horizon (c.800-200 BC) periods at the archaeological site of Atalla, a regional ceremonial center located in highlands of Huancavelica, Peru. Methodologically, this research integrates radiocarbon dating with stylistic, technical, and geochemical analyses of a range of materials to examine exchange and interaction on multiple...
Inland Connectivity in Late Antique Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) (2017)
The Balearic Islands lie in a strategic position within the Western part of the Mediterranean and played an important role in the trade routes crossing the Mare Nostrum. Therefore, connectivity of the island by sea has always been considered. However, inland connectivity has not been addressed in detail probably due to the lack of information on communication routes. The paper explores the inland connectivity of sites in the late antique landscape based in a combination of spatial analysis and...
Interactions and Social Change in California: A Perspective from the Far West (2017)
People in California have interacted with groups near and far for thousands of years. Here we take a big picture approach by looking at how interactions between people across time and space affect the histories of adjunct regions. In this paper, we first establish connections between people in California to the Northwest, Southwest, Mexico, and afar to demonstrate the scale of meaningful interactions. Second, by considering wide-ranging and long-term interactions, we better explain the agency...
Interactions during the Iron Agein the Lower Khabur Basin of northeastern Syria: Insights from ceramic petrography (2015)
The semi-arid steppe of the Lower Khabur Basin of northeastern Syria is a climatically marginal zone for agriculture, yet there have been episodes of settlement over the past 9000 years. Archaeological surveys have recorded more than 300 sites whose age, type and distribution on the landscape are reflections of changing socio-natural systems. The region is particularly suitable for detecting changes in both environmental and socio-political spheres because of its environmental marginality, yet...
The Inuit of Southern Labrador in Archaeological and Historical Context (2020)
This is an abstract from the session entitled "Comparative Perspectives on European Colonization in the Americas: Papers in Honor of Réginald Auger" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Understanding the history of the Inuit in southern Labrador, Canada was significant among the many archaeological contributions made by Réginald Auger. This work, undertaken early in his career, began to piece together an often confusing record of Inuit arrival, settlement...
Landfalls, Sunbursts, and the Capacha Problem: The Case for a Pacific Coastal Interaction Community in Early Formative Period Mesoamerica (2019)
This is an abstract from the "Coastal Connections: Pacific Coastal Links from Mexico to Ecuador" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In the 1960s, Ford argued that the first Pacific coastal Mexican pottery should more closely resemble that of northern South America than of early highland Mexican wares of the Tehuacán tradition. In the 1970s and 1980s, Kelly argued that Colima’s Capacha phase represented one of several "landfalls" of technological and...
Late Initial Period (1100–800 B.C.) Interaction between the Highlands and Ceja de Selva of North-Central Peru: A Case Study from Canchas Uckro, Eastern Ancash (2018)
This presentation will discuss the results of recent archaeological research at the late Initial Period (ca. 1100–800 B.C.) site of Canchas Uckro. Located in the Puccha Valley, Canchas Uckro is positioned approximately 25 km to the north of Chavín de Huántar and 40 km from the upper Marañon river. Analysis of the pottery assemblage from Canchas Uckro suggest strong parallels with the Urabarriu Phase of Chavín de Huántar. However, a considerable proportion of the pottery also exhibits formal and...
Long-Distance Connections Across the Southeastern US and Mesoamerica (2017)
Despite over a century of research, unquestionable evidence of routine and sustained interaction/communication between the U.S. Southeast and Mesoamerica remains elusive. Similarities in iconography and ritual are very general, possibly ancient. Mexican obsidian and tropical plants occur rarely and only at the outskirts of the Southeast, while earthen mounds and some Mississippian-like artifacts occur on the northern Mexican Gulf Coast. The most glaring (absence of) evidence is the lack of...
The Longue Duree of Malta (Mediterranean) and Lismore (Argyll, Scotland) Compared and Contrasted, and Set within Concluding Remarks (2017)
The author has undertaken fieldwork on both of these two limestone island systems, one in the Mediterranean, one leading into the Atlantic. The paper will reflect on the longue duree development of these two contrasting contexts, in terms of the rhythms of settlement organisation and interaction. The first, Lismore, an area of only 23.5 square km, is set within an enclosed maritime zone close to shore, off the western seaboard of Scotland. The second, Malta, a larger area of 316 square km, is...