Early Iron Age (Other Keyword)

1-4 (4 Records)

Cultural exchanges along the Ancient Silk Road—A Case of Cranial Trepanation from the Early Iron Age in Xinjiang, China (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Qun Zhang. Quanchao Zhang. Xiaofang Gao. Tao Han. Hong Zhu.

This presentation reports a case of intentional trepanation along the ancient Silk Road in China from the Early Iron Age, with clear evidence of it being carried out by humans. Although trepanation has been widely performed in Eurasia, there are no definitive trepanation discoveries in western China dating from the Bronze Age. Microscopic observation and computed tomography scan were used to analyze the area of trepanation. With the observation of a three-dimensional deep-field microscope, the...

Gained bioarchaeological insight from the skeletal human remains at Dabaoshan, south central Inner Mongolia, China (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Xu Zhang.

The south central Inner Mongolia, China has been defined as an area where two economically diverse prehistoric cultures interacted: northern nomadic pastoralists and southern sedentary agriculturalists. Earlier archaeological work suggested that cultural exchanges between these two groups occurred prior to the early Iron Age. Dabaoshan cemetery was recently excavated in this area, and contains approximately 44 individuals. Human remains from this site represent one of the earlier settlements in...

Geoarchaeology of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe
PROJECT Gary Haynes. Teresa Wriston.

As part of ongoing investigations by Gary Haynes in Hwange National Park, Teresa Wriston began doctoral research in northwestern Zimbabwe in 2008. The primary goal of this research is to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions in southcentral Africa during the transition from hunting and gathering lifeways to agropastoralism. Establishing when and where this occurred in the project area was the first task. To date, two rockshelters have been excavated revealing an estimated 142,000...

Land Rituals for Heaven:The Soft Cultural Power of an Early Nomadic Kingdom and the Begin of Silk Road (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Wu Guo.

Early nomadic kingdoms appeared during the early period of the first millennium BC. Those objects or art theme symbolized the ideology of the ruling class embodied on the prestige goods, the imperial kinsmen's cemetery, the large seasonal ritual center. The formation and expansion of the Aldy bel /Sandaohaizi culture reflected this process. Standing gold deer, curled up or standing snow leopard, the implements of the boar or patterns, and the conical gold earrings, widely spread with along the...