Archaeozoological Study (Other Keyword)
151-175 (414 Records)
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Descriptive Analysis of the Rodent and Insectivore Cranial Elements Collected From the Helb, Lower Grand, and Walth Bay Sites, Oahe Reservoir, South Dakota (1976)
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Descriptive Analysis of Unmodified Vertebrate Remains Recovered From the Schuyler Site (25Cx1), Colfax County, Nebraska (1982)
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Dohack Site (1985)
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Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-002: The Dolores Archaeological Program Research Design (1981)
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation original Dolores Cultural Resources Mitigation Program Request for Proposals specified development and submission of a research design as a requisite for potential contractors. The University of Colorado submitted a preliminary research design as part of its formal mitigation proposal to the bureau; this design underwent extensive revision in the fall of 1978 and spring of 1979. The document consists of 5 major elements or prob l em domains; these are economy and...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-003: The Sagehen Flats Archaeological Locality (1981)
The Sagehen Flats Locality is a spatial division of the Escalante Sector located in southwest Color ado about 6 km northwest of the town of Dolores. Containing primarily lowland areas west of the Dolores River, the locality has been the scene of human habitation for thousands of years. The first well-documented occupation dates to the Great Cut Phase of the Archaic Tradition or 2000 BC-AD 500. During this period the prehistoric inhabitants utilized seasonal sites situated along the perimeter of...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-005: Excavations at Sagehill Hamlet (Site 5MT2198), a Basketmaker III/Pueblo I habitation site. (1981)
Sagehill Hamlet (Site 5MT2198), a small Anasazi habitation located approximately 8 km northwest of Dolores, Colorado, was excavated during the summer of 1978 as part of the Dolores Project Cultural Resources Mitigation Program. Field operations were conducted during the months of August and September; a University of Colorado crew excavated and recorded a small pithouse and associated surface features. Site 5MT2198 was probably the domicile and home base of a single household group practicing...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-025: Excavation at Tres Bobos Hamlet, (Site 5Mt4545), a Basketmaker III Habitation (1981)
Tres Bobos, Site 5MT4545, is a small Basketmaker III habitation in extreme southwestern Colorado, near the present town of Dolores. Excavations discovered one pithouse, 14 noncontiguous surface rooms, and numerous ancillary features. The number and spatial distribution of the surface rooms in two discreet areas around the single pithouse indicate that there were two occupations centered around the pithouse. The differential spatial configuration of these room sets and the well-developed...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-026: Excavations at Apricot Hamlet (Site 5Mt2858), a Basket Maker II / Pueblo I Habitation Site (1982)
Apricot Hamlet, Site 5MT2858, is a multiple occupation Basketmaker Ill/Pueblo I habitation site. Located in Montezuma County, in southwestern Colorado, Apricot Hamlet was excavated in 1979 as a part of the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.). The site was excavated to acquire informat ion on cultural patterning of the dispersed community which existed on the highlands west of the Dolores River valley during the Sagehen Phase (A.D. 600-850) of the Anasazi Tradition. Excavations revealed a...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-027: Excavations at Pheasant View Hamlet (Site 5Mt2192), a Pueblo I Habitation Site (1982)
Pheasant View Hamlet (Site 5MT2192), excavated in 1979 by the Dolores Archaeological Program, represents a single-family household cluster occupied during the Pueblo I period. The site, located in Montezuma County in southwestern Colorado, consists of a pithouse, adjacent roomblock , borrow pit, and associated features . The architectural style of the roomblock, contiguous surf ace rooms with a basal course of slabs which probably supported jacal walls, suggests a temporal setting of...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-028: Excavations at Dos Casas Hamlet (Site 5Mt2193), a Basketmaker III / Pueblo I Habitation Site (1982)
Dos Casas Hamlet (Site 5MT2193) is a small Basketmaker III/Pueblo I Anasazi site located approximately 8 km northwest of the town of Dolores, Montezuma County, Colorado. During the summer of 1978, the University of Colorado excavated the site as part of first-year operations associated with the Dolores Cultural Resources Mitigation Program. These investigations recorded two prehistoric pithouses and an arc of associated surface rooms and outdoor occupation areas to the north at Site 5MT2193. The...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-029: Excavations at Prairie Dog Hamlet (Site 5Mt4614), a Basketmaker III / Pueblo I Habitation Site (1982)
Prairie Dog Hamlet, Site 5MT4614, was excavated in 1979 by the University of Colorado under the auspices of the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.). Located in Montezuma County in southwestern Colorado, the site dates to the late Basketmaker III-early Pueblo I periods of the Anasazi tradition. The site had two occupations, represented by two separate pithouses with associated surface structures and features, and a single episode that is represented by the partial construction of a...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-030: Excavations at Casa Bodega Hamlet (Site 5Mt2194), a Pueblo I Habitation Site (1982)
Casa Bodega Hamlet (Site 5MT2194) is a Pueblo I habitation site excavated during the 1979 field season by the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.). The site is located in Montezuma County in southwestern Colorado. It was excavated as part of the D.A.P. sample of habitations from the West Sagehen Neighborhood, a dispersed Anasazi community in the Sagehen Flats Locality during the Sagehen Phase (A.D. 600-850, according D.A.P. systematics). Excavations revealed a single household cluster...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-032: Excavations at Casa Roca (Site 5Mt2203), a Pueblo I / Pueblo II Field House (1982)
Casa Roca, Site 5MT2203, is a small, seasonal use, single-component site located in southwestern Colorado. The site was excavated in 1979 by the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.) as part of a representative sample of sites, by site type and temporal period, from the borrow areas of the Dolores Project, a Bureau of Reclamation water storage project. Casa Roca is assigned to the McPhee Phase (A.D. 850-970) as defined by the D.A.P. temporal system. This corresponds to the late Pueblo I and...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-033: Excavations at Faraway House (Site 5Mt4763), a Pueblo I / Pueblo II Limited Activity Site (1982)
Faraway House, Site 5MT4763, was excavated in 1979 as part of the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.), located in extreme southwestern Colorado. The site was selected for excavation to expand the sample of limited activity/seasonal use sites in the D.A.P. data base . The site consists of a masonry storage bin and two hearths and is located near arable soils. It is inferred that the site was built by the Anasazi during the Pueblo I or Pueblo II period and was used seasonally for the storage...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-034: Excavations at Cascade House (Site 5Mt4512), a Pueblo I Field House (1982)
This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-035: Excavations at Marsh View (Site 5MT2235), a Pueblo III Habitation Site (1982)
Marshview Hamlet (Site MT2235), a small Pueblo-III habitation site located northwest of Dolores, Colorado, was excavated during the 1978 field season as part of the Dolores Archaeological Program. Between 24 July and 2 November 1978; a small pithouse and associated surface structures and features of this small unit hamlet were excavated and documented by University of Colorado crew members and personnel of the Bureau of Reclamation Youth Conservation Corps and Young Adult Conservation Corps. In...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-038: Excavations at Horsefly Hamlet (Site 5MT2236), an Archaic Camp / Anasazi Habitation Site (1982)
Horsefly Hamlet (Site 5MT2236) is an Archaic camp/Anasazi habitation site in the Sagehen Flats Locality of the Dolores Archaeological Program (D.A.P.) study area. Investigations were initiated during the fall of 1979 as part of the project's standard fall testing program; the goal of the work was to add information to the Sagehen Flats cultural data bases, specifically to the Sagehen Phase West Sagehen Neighborhood and Archaic North Marsh Band categories. The site was reopened in 1981 to resolve...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-039: Excavations at Ridge Line Camp (5MT2242) an Archaic-Anasazi Limited Activity Site (1982)
Investigations at Ridge Line Camp, Site 5MT2242, were undertaken during the 1979 field season of the Dolores Archaeological Program. The site is located in the Sagehen Flats Locality. Two firepits were discovered at the site, and flaked lithic, nonflaked lithic, and ceramic artifacts were recovered. The results of artifact analyses and a radiocarbon date of 3710 +- 90 years B.P. indicate that the site was occupied during the Archaic and Anasazi (Pueblo I, Pueblo II, and Pueblo Ill) time periods....
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-048: Faunal Studies-1979 (1982)
Work accomplished by the Faunal Consultant and his staff during the reporting period (1 March 1979 to 29 February 1980) included both preliminary analysis and fieldwork. Preliminary analysis was performed by a small crew at Flagstaff; standard procedures developed for this type of analysis included a basic sort into taxonomic categories and recording of characteristics for each individual bone or group of bones by taxon. During this process , worked bone was separated from unworked bone and...
Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, Volume V Chapter 7: Excavations at Casa Bodego Hamlet (5Mt2194) a Pueblo I Habitation (1982)
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Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, Volume V, Chapter 11: Excavations at Cascade House (Site 5Mt4512), a Pueblo I Field House (1982)
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Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, Volume V, Chapter 18: Excavations at Climbing Cactus Camp (Site 5Mt4682) (1982)
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Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, Volume V, Chapter 6, Excavations at Prairie Dog Hamlet (Site 5Mt4614), a Basket Maker III / Pueblo I Habitation Site (1982)
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Dolores Archaeological Program, Technical Report, Volume VI, Chapter 7, Faunal Studies-1979 (1982)
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