Labor (Other Keyword)

1-25 (109 Records)

1992 Lock Haven Pennsylvania Data Recovery Photo Album (1992)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Theresa Kintz.

A photo album compiled by Theresa Kintz during her career as a field archaeologists in the 1990s. This album includes photos from a Phase III archaeological excavation in Pennsylvania. Faces have been blurred.

1997 Phase I and II Keystone Pipeline (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Theresa Kintz.

Photos taken by the editor of The Underground zine during her years as a field tech. This album features photos from the Keystone Pipeline Phase I and II excavation, as well as landscape and hotel photos.

All the Yards a Market: Bones of Dissent and the Seed of Reproduction (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Justin E. Uehlein.

Subsistence gardening and animal rearing were as integral to the expansion of U.S. capitalism as the coal that fueled its development. Labor performed at the home provided an effective means of workforce reproduction without significant capital investment by elites while also providing an outlet for laborer resistance to company control. In particular, these skills aided the working-class during labor strikes and periods of unemployment. Working-class communities were paradoxically situated...

American Made: The Development of Ethnic Identities, Racism, and Economic Growth of the Young American Republic (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jordon Loucks.

Ethnic identification in the archaeological record is fraught with pitfalls. The application of ethnic divisions on populations that helped construct the industrial arteries of New York State are a popular lens to view history through. The immigrant populations that gave life and limb to construct the Erie Canal and the New York Railroad system paved the way for the development of the industrial Northeast. This study hopes to evaluate the efficacy of ethnic identification of the archaeological...

Appropriating Language: The Historical-Archaeological Context Of ‘Grumetes’ In Sources On West African Mariners (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Megan Crutcher.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Maritime Archaeology in West Africa", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Finding direct evidence of West African mariners in early modern European sources is like following a trail of breadcrumbs. African labor was vital to regional and global commerce and culture, but is often obscured by European sources. One example is the Portuguese term "grumete,” which technically means a “cabin boy,” but was then...

Archaeologists as Intellectuals: Agents of the Empire or Defenders of Dissent (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Theresa Kintz.

Article featured in The Responsibilities of Archaeologists: Archaeology and Ethics. Lampeter Workshop in Archaeology 4 (BAR International) Edited by Mark Pluciennik.

The Archaeology of Irish Railroad Laborers in Mid-Nineteenth Century Virginia: Findings from the First Field Season (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amanda B. Johnson. Stephen A. Brighton.

In 1850 the landscape 15 miles west of Charlottesville was dramatically altered as thousands of Irish immigrants were brought to the area to construct the Blue Ridge Railroad. The dangerous work consisted of several cuts and tunnels. One of the more difficult projects was the Blue Ridge or Afton tunnel. At its completion it stretched just under a mile and at the time was one of the longest tunnels in American history. During the summer of 2012, the excavations focused on standing dry-laid stone...

Assessing the Value and Potential of Labor Archaeology: A Description of the Labor Archaeology of the Industrial Era National Historic Landmark Theme Study (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam Fracchia.

Work and labor relations have been under attack over the last several decades.  Many of the same issues and problems confronting workers today were faced by workers in the past.  Historical archaeology has the ability to use archaeology to highlight these connections and thus, contribute to the study of labor and the current labor dialogue and struggles.  This paper details the latest draft of the Labor Archaeology of the Industrial Era National Historic Landmark Theme Study and its usefulness...

At Land’s End: Recovering wharf builders in the late 18th and early 19th-century Chesapeake (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chelsea M. Cohen.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Port of Call: Archaeologies of Labor and Movement through Ports", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. While sailing and dock work are both tractable through archaeological and archival records, the process of building out docks and wharves remains obscured. The moderation of meeting between land and water was formative in urban port placemaking, directly impacting the size of ships and quantities of storage a...

Biographies of Things, People, and Space at Jesuit Missions: The St. Inigoes Manor Weaver’s House (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Steve Lenik.

A biographical framework for archaeological studies of Jesuit missions in the Americas guides enquiry toward histories of specific artifacts, especially religious objects that were implicated in efforts to gain converts, as well as mission space including manor houses and churches. Additionally, narrative accounts of Jesuit missions lend themselves to biographies, either for the lives of influential missionaries or the missions, that were disseminated through texts such as the Relations. This...

Blue Willow Vessels and Life’s Other Mysteries: Understanding high value ceramics and their role in identity formation within contexts of company town economic deprivation (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only V. Camille Westmont.

Historical archaeologists have long recognized the connection between material culture and identity. Ceramics, in particular, have the opportunity to inform researchers about economic choices, consumer decisions, and societal trends. However, when looking at communities that experience social and economic deprivation, the presence of (oftentimes more expensive) decorated vessels can cause confusion. Excavations conducted in 2016 focusing on the poorest workers’ housing in a coal company town in...

‘Carmelo’s Cabinet’: The Material Culture of Collections in the Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Judith P Joklik. Michael P Roller.

Personal collections of objects reflect individual orderings of the material world, particularly when they encompass the realms of work, domestic life, health, aesthetics and religion. As complete sets, they are like an idealized version of an archaeological assemblage: intact, curated, annotated, and often traceable to an individual life trajectory and historical period. Carmelo Fierro was an Italian immigrant who came to American in 1902, carrying with him a small cabinet packed with small...

Coal Heritage Archaeology Project 2015 – Preliminary Results & Student Experiences (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Tyler Allen. Heather Alvey-Scott. S. Ryan Jones. Nicholas Starvakis. Paul Simmons. Jason Carnes. Michael Workman. Robert DeMuth.

The Coal Heritage Archaeology Project’s inaugural excavations were carried out as part of a summer archaeological field school at West Virginia State University.  Working in collaboration with Indiana University and the Rahall Transportation Institute, excavations focused on the residential houses at the former coal company town of Tams, WV and sought to better understand issues of material consumption, labor, and class. This poster presents the results of these initial excavations and explores...

Comales and Colonialism - Identifying Colonial Inequality through a Spatial Analysis of Foodways on a Seventeenth Century New Mexican Spanish Estancia. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam C Brinkman.

During the late sixteenth and seventeenth century colonization of New Mexico by Spanish colonists and indigenous Mexican auxiliaries, rural ranches or estancias, were established in close proximity to autonomous Pueblo villages along the Rio Grande. These estancias were the setting for complex negotiations of colonial power structures which were based upon the exploitation of labor from indigenous peoples. At LA-20,000, an early colonial estancia located off a branch of El Camino Real near Santa...

Community and Consumption: Immigrant Lives at Eckley Miners' Village (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Aryn Neurock Schriner.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Archaeology of Meat and Ale (General Sessions)" , at the 2021 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Today, Eckley Miners’ Village in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, stands as the only mining town museum in the United States. Although the museum’s goal is to preserve and share the lived experience of the late nineteenth to early twentieth century coal patch town residents, the lives of the lowest-paid residents are overlooked....

Community Networks at the Stanford Arboretum Chinese Workers’ Quarters (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Lowman.

The historical response and endurance of Chinese diaspora communities in California, living with legally reified racism, is a critical component of understanding the economic and social impacts of immigration restriction. Between 1876 and 1925, the Chinese employees at the Stanford Stock Farm and Stanford University impacted the development of agriculture and infrastructure through their labor and entrepreneurship as farm workers, in construction, as gardeners, and as domestic workers. Over that...

A Comprehensive Materials and Archival Analysis of Labor Alienation In Historic Pullman, Chicago. (2022)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lauren D. Finnigan.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)" , at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. For anthropology to study what it means to be human it is imperative that we have a robust understanding of alienation, the phenomenon of being separated from our humanity. This paper will demonstrate the results of both archaeological and historic archival research into labor alienation as it occurred in the industrial town of...

Copper and Bone: Craft Labor and Aesthetics in the Early Creole Faubourgs of New Orleans, 1790-1865 (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher Grant.

The early residents of the Creole faubourgs have long been recognized as contributors to the development of New Orleans’s unique aesthetic traditions. Indeed many of the city’s most iconic architectural forms and cultural practices were forged in these neighborhoods—semi-peripheral spaces where people from a variety of local and trans-Atlantic backgrounds came together to re/define and embody the meaning of "Creole" in the nineteenth century. But much of the details about the labor that built...

Culture Contact and Change in the Industrial American West: Examples from the 19th Century Samuel Adams Lime Kiln Complex, Santa Cruz, California (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only David G. Hyde.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological investigations of historic industrial sites in the American West have long been dominated by questions surrounding power, resistance, and the emergence of class structures and ideologies. While these questions are still relevant, these sites offer the potential for a much wider range of anthropologically situated research that extends beyond...

Divergent Heritages: Two Case of Labor Conflict (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maura A Bainbridge.

Ludlow, Colorado and the Pullman neighborhood of Chicago present two contrasting examples of a postindustrial environment.  Both were the sites of significant labor conflicts of the 20th century, but their preservations have taken opposite paths. Today Pullman stands as a National Monument and historic district, while Ludlow is a granite memorial in a so-called ghost town.  This paper compares both the material aspects of these postindustrial environments and the publics who interact with them....

Divided: Material Landscapes of Labor in Nineteenth-Century Baltimore City and County, Maryland (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adam Fracchia.

Like the strikes of the late nineteenth century, especially the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, tensions arising from chronic inequality and marginalization once again led to protests and demonstrations in Baltimore in April 2015.  Areas of Baltimore remain alienated along racial and class lines that serve a capitalist process driven by the maximization of profit.  This paper examines how this same process resulted in the stratification of immigrant and African American communities in Baltimore...

Domestic Labor in Black and Green: Deciphering the Shared experiences of African American and Irish Domestics Working in the same Northern Virginia Households and Communities (2015)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Mary Furlong.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries wealthy American households relied on domestic labor for the running of the home. In the Northeast, this labor was provided by European immigrants, who often moved from job to job seeking better opportunities. While in the South, African Americans continued to perform the same work many had performed under slavery, often staying in the same geographical region as their family and former owners.  In Northern Virginia, these two forms of domestic labor...

Dynamics of a Post-Sugar Montserrat in the Era of Lime (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Samantha M Ellens.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)", at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. This paper examines Montserrat’s citrus lime industry (ca.1852-1928) as a case study for understanding the ways new Caribbean agro-industries impacted the lives of island residents and changed the physical landscape in the wake of emancipation. The lime industry marked a major period of transformation for the Caribbean island and...

Eat This In Remembrance: The Zooarchaeological Analysis of Secular and Religious Estancias in 17th- Century New Mexico (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ana C. Opishinski.

This is a paper/report submission presented at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. During the early colonial period of New Mexico (1598-1680) secular and religious governing bodies developed simultaneously to manage the colony, the colonists, and the indigenous people already residing in the region. One of the resulting differences between secular and religious households was in labor rules and structure, especially regarding the Pueblos and other conscripted or...

Economic History of Catoctin Furnace (1936)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Norman E. Waesche.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at